Breastfeeding is still Best for Babies!

No matter how painful I'd say breastfeeding was, I would still say that breastfeeding is still the best for babies! Both of my little girls were breastfed. Ate A was purely breastfed for 2 months and then she had mixed feeding for another 2 months when I started working again. Baby A on the other hand was purely breastfed for 5.5 months and then had mixed feedings until she was 8 months old. I can't say it was pure bliss. It was totally the opposite. But I can say that they were healthier than I can imagine. I was surprised that Baby A was not yet hospitalized ever since I gave birth to her. I guess the challenge is to increase breast milk everyday. I've known Moms who can't produce milk no matter what they do. Maybe I'm blessed to have just enough milk for my babies. And my secret? I made it a routine. Everyday I would pump milk for Baby A every 2 to 3 hours. I noticed that if I missed 1 "session", my milk decreases the next day. So that's how I maintained it for 8 months. I was planning to stop on the 6th month but I realized that I just couldn't stop it abruptly. So I had to lessen sessions everyday until I reached the 8th month.

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