Island Hopping on our 2nd Day in Surigao (3/3)

Our last stop in our island hopping in Surigao was the famous Sohoton Cave. I didn't know what to expect since I haven't read a lot of reviews about this place. But I knew that the place was "enchanting".

Called by the locals as "sohoton" which means "to go under" because of its cave entrance. Gated by sea water, you can only enter the lagoon during low tides.The area boast 7 islets inside where you can do caving and cliff jumping.

True enough, as soon as we entered the cave, we were mesmerized by the view that we saw. Green was all over the place - trees, mountains, leaves. Every plant was healthy and so nice to look at.

Is that an elephant? An Elephant Nose Rock Formation

The Enchanted White Wall - Locals say that it used to have a huge tree above it that brings an eerie church bell sound which they find it enchanted!

I would say it was a virgin forest out there! I hope and pray that they preserved this so that it would last for years.

Our first stop in Sohoton Cave was Hagokan Cave. It was called "hagokan" because its snoring sound brought by the tides. This is inside a spacious cathedral with stalagmites and stalactites.

We were allowed to swim inside the cave. It wasn't scary. My 6 year old even agreed to swim inside. It was a nice experience!

Our next stop and the most unforgettable was another cave where we went inside then climbed the wall to go to the top and then there was no way for exit except to JUMP!

Yes, I did it! The 15 feet jump. I tried backing out but I changed my mind. After all, it happens only once in my life, right?

So I released all my fears and jump right into the water...You want proof!?

Ok here are our jump shots...

We all did it - my brother went first, my turn, my sister, another brother, then the Hubby. I'm so proud, we ALL did it!

It definitely made our island hopping complete. Right after that, off we went back to Club Tara Resort, our temporary home for the weekend.

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