Guess where I went?

A few days ago, I just came back from Beijing and had the time of my life there with my Mom and brother. Oh it was a trip of a lifetime. An experience that we will never forget. But, what most interested me more was the culture, the traditions and the items that I get to see only in China.

Souvenirs of course I was able to buy, but I couldn't forget the instrument shop near me when we were exploring the alleys or popularly known as Hutongs. The guitars and instruments I found there were authentic, of good quality and worth buying. Too bad, I couldn't bring it home! Good thing there's an online shop for good quality guitars. All I have to do is just choose what I like, add it to my online shopping cart, pay with my credit card and that's it!

Aaaaah, the joys of having a fast and reliable internet and of course, discovering an instrument shop. Definitely priceless!

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