Well, I can't believe that Christmas day is finally over! Gifts have been opened, so many food have been eaten (this explains why I still got my pregnancy weight! Aaargh!), and so many sleepless nights that we need to make up. But after all those, the little girl is happy and embracing the holidays very much.
Hubby and I on the other hand is getting sick ALL the time. I was the first who catched fever and colds. Hubby now got a stomachache and backache. This is probably because of tiredness. Did I mention that Alex's Yaya went on a vacation since the 21st? SO Hubby and I were so hands-on with both Alex and Andie. This was probably our most tiring Christmas holiday EVER. That is why I had to put off some work about snow chains for now and will probably deal with it after the holidays.
But after all those stress of making her eat, take a bath, brush her teeth, it still feels good to be with her all the time. I realized that even if I work from home, I still don't spend time with her 100%. I also realized that I don't even play with her when we were home.
Anyway, I haven't mentioned here about Andie's baptism last December 21, 2008 was a success. It was a simple celebration with family and friends. I wanted her to be baptized before Christmas but was too tired to plan it well that's why I was able to finalize everything a week before the said date. Bad Mama! LOL!
Anyway, will post more photos about it after the holidays. But for the meantime will leave you with Andie's photo during the baptism. She was sleeping the whole time! From the church to the reception she just slept and slept!
Since we are going to be busy in the next few days, will just greet everyone now and hope that you will have a prosperous New Year! There are so many things to look forward to next year and I can't wait for 2009 to start! (*wink*)
Hello, hello, everybody!
Finally after so long I was able to get online and post here. I got sick for a couple of days - high fever, colds, back pain, and more. I thought I would be staying in bed on Christmas day but fortunately, I was healed in no time. Thanks to Hubby for taking good care of the kids while I was sick.
I have so many updates! One thing is my "huge" purchase of a bag that I've been dreaming about for months! Whew! I finally gave in...Will post about that more soon.
Our Christmas eve was a blast! Well at least for the little girl. She was awake last night until 2 in the morning. She was just playing with her cousins and never thought of sleeping. She loved our gift too (the wooden dollhouse and the city blocks). I haven't checked our camera yet if Hubby was able to take a lot of photos (yes I was THAT tired) but will definitely get back on that.
Anyway, will cut this short since I need to do a little bit of reading about some textbooks for the little girl. And of course, need to spend some quality time with my family. (*wink*)
Have a blessed Christmas everyone!
I was about to change the "struggling" term into "trying hard". LOL!
Anyway, as hard as it sounds, after almost a month of giving birth I feel better and somehow recovered now. Thank God!
I still struggle to breastfeed but I have found a better way (and routine too). I don't breastfeed directly anymore since Andie is not happy with my "output" (LOL!) so what I do is I just pump every 2 to 3 hours, which is way better for her. After a few minutes of feed (now 3 ounces every feeding), she sleeps soundly. At night time she only wakes up twice or thrice and Hubby has been helping me all along.
(I love Hubby even more now! LOL!)
As for Ate Alex, she has adjusted pretty well too. Still craving for attention every now and then but I make it a point to make her "help" me with her baby sister (thanks to your advices ladies! ;) ). I also make time to watch cartoons with her while I blog. Haha. So as of the moment, she is sitting with me watching leapfrog while I post this.
I'm glad that things are turning out pretty well. The solution - SLEEP, PRAYERS and a LOVING husband. :D
So will cut this short for now. Still finding time to visit your blogs, but will do it very, very soon!
For updates, you can visit My Colorful World blog about my shopping sprees and my travel blog for our loots to give out this Christmas.
Have a nice Tuesday everyone!
My giving birth to Andie didn't stop The Dada and the little girl to attend parties. In short, their weekends were still booked! It's a good thing because it keeps the little girl occupied, now that she begins to appreciate parties. Too bad she gets really quiet when she gets to the party and doesn't talk at all! All she does in the parties is observe and when she gets home, that's when she sings, dances, and greets the celebrant!
Last December 1st, Ate Alex attended Stephen's Jollibee party. As usual, she had a blast!
Last weekend (December 6), she attended Bela's party at Fun Ranch Tiendesitas. And even if the party was early (around 9AM to 12NN), she still had fun as well.
The day after that (dec 7) we spent our day at the in-laws to watch the "dream match" of Hubby's idol - Pacquiao. Check out my post about it here.
On Andie's Update: She is now almost three weeks old! How time flies. She has been good and been sleeping for two to three hours straight. I'm happy to say that I only wake up twice or thrice every night. Yes, she is still "an eating machine". She can finish almost 3 ounces of milk in one feed now! But at least her face is getting rounder and her legs are getting bigger too. I can't wait for her to wear dresses and nice shoes!
For now, will leave you with these photos. (Please don't mind my eye bags!!)
'Til my next update! ;)
Thanks Jody for this wonder woman badge!
I love it! ;)
Hubby and I decided to room-in Baby Andie on our second night at the hospital. We really didn't plan of rooming her in but she haven't nursed for more than 24 hours already so that kept us a bit worried. After I tried to nursed her, the nursery staff prepared her to room-in then after a few minutes, she was sent to our room.
At around 9PM, Baby Andie finally latched on, and guess what happened? She tried to latched on from 9PM to 8 in the morning! Yes, that long. I guess she was that hungry huh? Hubby and I weren't able to get some sleep! It was our first sleepless (literally) night with our second baby girl.
When it was morning, Hubby arranged everything from billing to Doctor's fees until we were able to check out the hospital at around 12NN. We were missing the little girl so much that we wanted to go straight to my Mom's (she was staying there while we were at the hospital). We were excited too since we promised her that Baby Andie will give her a gift when she comes out of Mama's tummy.
So, we fetched her at my Mom's place before heading home. I was carrying Andie. When she entered the car, we immediately showed her Andie, and when she saw her baby sister, she was ecstatic! She became so hyper, she doesn't want to leave Andie. She would say, "My Baby Andie! My Baby Andie!" when we try to bring her down to eat. That day (and night) was really memorable. I can feel the joy and excitement from Ate Alex.
Lately she would look at my tummy and say "No more Baby Andie." Then she would point Baby Andie, and say, "There's baby Andie!".
At first, I couldn't find any jealousy or something from her, but lately, I realized that she's getting hyper everyday, trying to seek some attention. Probably because there came a point that I was nursing for almost every hour! And I couldn't join them (Alex and Dada) during meal times because I'm not allowed to use the stairs yet.
Our nights are getting harder too. Alex would not listen to everything I say. She would look for her Yaya everytime. She would cry suddenly. And this would happen while Andie is hungry again and needs to nurse!
Yes, it is HARD.
So, instead of taking a nap while the two girls are taking a nap, I try to be online to keep me sane. I try to wrap some Christmas gifts just to make me occupied. I read a lot of fashion magazines just to get my mind off where I currently am even for just a few minutes.
I just hope that the adjustment period will end and that everything will go back to normal. Well, our normal routine plus the baby girl of course.
But, for the meantime, all I can do is PRAY.
Since I've been nursing for every two hours, all I did while nursing is read. I had all the time in my hands to catch up on my reading. I have noticed that most of the articles over the web and in magazines focus mainly on how to get out of debt.
I wonder why. Is it probably because most people are in debt now? Are most people cannot handle their finances anymore? Are most people living beyond their means? It's a good thing that there are already companies out there that help in getting people out of debt. The Debt Solutions' exclusive debt elimination and wealth building system will allow you to finally get out from personal debt. They will also help you start become financially independent.
What books and/or magazines did I read this month?
- Marie Claire Magazine
- The Hammer of Eden by Ken Follet (still have to finish this!)
What movies and/or tv shows did I watch this month?
- Quantum of Solace
What special days did I celebrate and how?
- Baby Shower with CFC household
- My giving birth to Baby Andie!
What gifts did I give and/or receive?
- Flowers and Estrel's cake from Hubby. (thanks sweetie!)
What illnesses or health concerns did I have?
- Headache and Back Pain
What fun things did I do with my friends and/or family?
- Girls night out with YFC friends
- Movie and dinner date with Hubby
- Hubby attended the CFC's Chapter Christmas Party
What new foods, recipes or restaurants did I try this month?
- Masas
- Pepato
- Peri-peri Grill house
What special or unusual purchases did I make?
- check out my other blog for my latest loots I got through online shopping. :D
What were this month's disappointments?
- Nothing in particular
What were my accomplishments this month?
- I finally gave birth to Baby Andie and it took only 7 hours of labor in the hospital
While Andie was taking a nap, I was fixing her stuff and realized that I need a lot of storage baskets for her clothes. I also need some laundry baskets or a simple hamper for her dirty clothes just to make things organized.
I realized that a newborn's stuff can be a LOT from diapers, clothes, mittens, booties, socks, towels, wash cloths, and more that log baskets can definitely do wonders.
But the thing is I want hampers or baskets that would fit the design of our house so that even if the kids will grow up, they would still be able to use it. The hampers would not depend on their ages. I found LOMBOK. It offers stylish Eastern inspired baskets or hampers that would be perfect for our home. What I like about these baskets is that they are functional and at the same time decorative. It is stylish and clears away the clutter of our little girl and baby girl.
They also offer more stylish furniture, like the wooden beds, dining tables, wooden bookcases, chests of drawers, and coffee tables.
This is very timely since we are also looking for stylish, yet useful furniture for Andie's room. You see, we haven't made the carpenter build a bed yet for her room because we never thought that we will conceive immediately. So here we are now, cramming and are press for time in trying to fix her room. Good thing we can still use Ate Alex's crib as of the moment.
Will definitely checkout more stuff from Lombok.
I honestly thought that I would give birth on the 29th through induction. Because my contractions during my 39th week was weak and that I was still on the go, even planning a very busy weekend. Hubby and I even planned of going to a party in Cavite, have my haircut, and have a fulfilling breakfast at Serendra. I wanted to do everything before giving birth because I know that my hands will be full for our newborn baby and the little girl.
But it seems like God has other plans and that Andie wanted to come out of the world on time. :)
Nov 18, 2008.
5:30PM. After Alex and I watched "Chicken Little" and "Barnie" at the family room, we went down with Hubby. I checked my email and let Alex eat her merienda. I was surfing the internet and did a couple of tasks when around 7PM, I felt different. I felt a contraction but it wasn't strong. What I felt was a weird back pain. I even thought that I just needed to do Number 2. LOL! I told Hubby about it, at first I said it was nothing. But deep inside I was actually thinking, what if that was it?
7PM. Hubby and I were having dinner when I felt more contractions coming. It wasn't painful, but I told myself if this was it, I might as well eat a lot. :D So I ate my dinner and had ice cream for dessert (after all, I will be giving birth in a few hours). I convinced Hubby to go to the gasoline station for gas since our car doesn't have gas as of that moment. Finally he agreed. LOL!
7:30PM. I was trying to finish some assignments like las vegas nevada research just to forget about the contractions and to make my mind off of it. But I was feeling a bit weird already.
9PM. My Mom and sister dropped by and we went down to have a chat. They ate dessert and told them that I might give birth in a few hours. They wouldn't believe me because I was still laughing and smiling with them.
10PM. We decided to sleep. But I told Hubby that we should time my contractions already.
11PM. My contractions are getting close but I can't still feel any pain except for the back.
Nov 19, 2008.
2AM. Now, I can feel a little bit of pain so, Hubby texted my OB already giving her the time of my contractions and interval which was around 10mins apart.
5AM. My OB replied and told us that we should go to the hospital so they could do IE. If I'm 4cm she said we should be prepared to be checked in. I was ecstatic. I couldn't believe that I'm actually on labor already. Hubby and I were even exchanging jokes. I packed my stuff (change bags), dress up (how I wish I took a bath then), and leave some instructions to Alex yaya.
530AM. We were at the hospital. Our travel was a breeze. Hubby was not even stressed out. I went straight to the Nurse station, fill up some forms and then off we went to HRPU. I waited for a couple of minutes before they did IE.
6AM. They did IE and found that I was already 3-4cm. Hubby congratulated me because with Alex, I was already screaming when I was 3-4cm. LOL!
The next few hours went by so fast. I can't remember what time I was 5-6cm dilated but what I can remember is that I was already texting Hubby to hurry up (since he was in the admission office trying to fix our room). I can feel a bit of pain but not too much to ask for anesthesia. But I still agreed to call the anesthesiologist anyway. Good thing, I asked for her early because she arrived after a few hours!
I was in total pain when the anesthesiologist arrived. My OB arrived before her and gave me a pill for me to relax. I was so happy to see my OB and the anesthesiologist.
1130AM. I think by this time I was already fully dilated. They were making me push already but I wouldn't because my OB was not yet there (she left to check on a patient at her clinic).
1145AM. They brought me to the delivery room. This time I was already pushing during contractions. It took me a lot of pushes before Andie came out. They even had to help me by leaning on my tummy. I thought I wouldn't make it to a normal delivery because Andie would go down then go back again because she was long!
1245PM. Good thing she came out finally at around 1245pm. She cried as soon as she came out. The cry was loud and I wanted to cry too. I don't know why. Probably because of relief or happiness or the feeling of overwhelmed or maybe because the labor took only for a few hours unlike the last time that I had my labor for almost 24 hours! But one thing I was sure was that I felt REALLY HAPPY.
When I was brought to the room, the first thing that I saw were the flowers that Hubby bought for me. :) Actually it was one of my requests. LOL! Thanks sweetie for doing all my requests. :)
He also ordered Estrel's cake which I really wanted through my brother in law. Thanks again for the cake Kuya!
Now, she's beginning to be a handful. She cries every time she wakes up (makes me realize that she might be a colic baby). She wants to be fed all the time! She's not contented with my milk supply. She cries soooo loud our neighbors can definitely hear her.
But despite of the sleepless nights (maximum of 3 hours of sleep everyday), I still feel happy and blessed that we can finally carry our baby princess in our arms. Not to mention Ate Alex's excitement when she first saw her baby sister. :) But will leave you with this photo for now and be back with that memorable story.
That's the first word that came into my mind to start of this post. LOL!
I can't believe it's been a week already since my uneventful (thank God!) delivery. Where did all those days go?
Anyway, I've been recovering pretty well but still adjusting to our new setup. Trying hard to cope up with the demands of a newborn (who wants to be breastfed almost every hour!) and a toddler who wants to get attention all the time. Yes, it is pretty hard. But Hubby and I are coping.
Thanks to all who who greeted and who dropped by here! I appreciate it so much! You guys made me smile. :)
I promise to post my birthing kwento and photos hopefully next week when I have adjusted already. And when I get enough sleep too! The question is, am I going to get that in the next few months? HAHA. For now, I'm happy that I'm getting maximum of 2 to 3 hours of sleep everyday.
Oh well, the pains and joys of motherhood. At the end of the day, I'm still happy and contented and blessed that I've got everything I wanted.
Now, I'm off to do some reading on life insurance quotes before the baby girl wakes up.
'Til my next post! ;)
As I was looking at our newborn baby being cleaned by an O.B. resident, I can't help but ask myself, who does she looks like? Her dad or her mom? But after looking at her again, and again, and again, she not only looks like her dad or her mom, but she also looks like..... Ate Alex!.
Whoever she looks like, we are glad that she came out healthy. And I am also glad that her mama is also recovering fast. Now you know who wrote this post. More stories and photos to come in the coming days.
Yeap, I'm still very much pregnant! :D
Now, on my 39th week and inspite of our kind of busy weekend and walks at Mall of Asia and even went up using the stairs (for 3 floors), my contractions are still the same. Not too strong to start a "real" labor.
But as I've mentioned in my last post, it's ok since I'm still working until the 26th. I even plan of going to the Richwell Sale on Saturday after seeing Jody's loots! I just love that vanity set which I first saw at Sophia (of Jane)'s playroom (which Alex loved so much too!). I also plan to go to the parlor on Saturday!
So, I guess giving birth will have to wait. LOL!
We had a not-so-busy but super FUN weekend. Thanks to Abie and Howell for inviting us to Bela's Third Bday last Saturday!
We had a blast! Especially Hubby who had so much fun watching Leodini's magic show. He can't get over it until we got home he was still overwhelmed. LOL! You see, doing magic was his frustration. When he was a kid, he even asked one of their drivers to tie him up and put him in a closet. LOL! I can't forget that story.
Anyway, the little girl had a blast too during the party and during play time at Kidz Republic! She was smiling when Hubby fetched her after an hour and half of play time! :)
It was nice seeing some of the MBAPs with Hubbies and kids there too - Abie of course, Apple, Jody, Jacqui, Joy, and Peachy. I was actually shocked to see Peachy there because I knew she just gave birth. LOL! But Peachy, you don't look like you gave birth! Sexy na ulit! ;)
Yesterday, Sunday, we (or I) just spent the whole day sleeping and lounging around. I've been soooo lazy lately. I haven't even prepared the crib and the bottles for baby #2. Aaargggh. Bad Mama. All I want to do lately is to sleep! Hopefully I get to fix these stuff over the weekend. During dinner, my good friends Fars and Mage came over. And another friend from London (won't disclose yet) surprised us last night too!!! I was so happy to see her. :D She came home after 6 mos in London. See you again ladies after I give birth. :D
How about you? How was your weekend?
...And were ready to go... To the hospital that is! LOL!
But wait! Not yet! I had my 38th week checkup yesterday after work and found out that my cervix is already open at 1CM. Oh well, at least it has improved a bit compared to last week that it was still closed. My contractions were not that strong though so my OB is already thinking that she might induced me again on my 41st week. Just like what happened with my first pregnancy. So I guess the day would on the 29th!
Hubby and I are getting anxious and excited because we will never know when would that big day be! For now, I'm still working and my last day at work will be on the 26th. We are even researching on some diet pills already such as Hydroxycut hardcore so I could drink it as soon as I give birth or probably as soon as I'm done with breastfeeding which I assume (and hope) that would be months from now. Or hopefully a year I guess.
Alex is also getting excited!
Especially now that we told her that her baby sister will give her a gift when she comes out of Mama's tummy. The funny thing is that she guessed the gift right after buying it at Toy Kingdom! Hubby and i couldn't believed it! We thought she didn't mind us buying the gift in front of her. We even had it gift wrapped in front of her too! Little did we know that she remembered us buying it and even ASSUMED that it was for her. LOL!
My, she really is not a baby anymore. :(
Oh, the photo above was taken yesterday. She was in the mood for picture taking that she even agreed for me take her photo a few times. :) She just loves bags and these two bags are her favorite bags as of the moment. Thanks to Tito Dandy for the bags which he brought from Macau last March. :D
Happy Friday everyone!
This is so funny! I can totally relate to this. Another nice article from MommySavers.com by Connie Colwell Miller.
As we all know, people have traditionally divided a woman’s pregnancy into three trimesters, identifiable by certain physical characteristics in the mother and the developing fetus.
However, now that I’m expecting my second baby, I’ve decided to set aside the information provided by those with the medical degree in lieu of my own version of the pregnancy stages.
Please keep in mind that the stages I’ve outlined here are malleable. While, according to your doctor, the third trimester cannot occur before the first, my categories are more flexible. Some may even occur simultaneously.
See what you think.
1. The Eat It and Puke It Stage
This stage (which involves an infuriating amalgamation of intense hunger, the inability to eat any food, and the subsequent vomiting of said lack of food) is also known as the “hell on earth” stage and the “never again” stage. It may be accompanied by a lack of personal hygiene, a pile of stinking dishes, violent mood swings, and the inability to brush the teeth without vomiting. For some women, a cranky husband exists simultaneously.
Note: Some women do not get morning sickness. This stage is not for you. We’ll put you in the same category with the women who have babies who sleep through the night at four months. We have a word for women like you.
2. The Nothing to Wear Stage
This stage is associated with a bloated and sensitive abdomen. To button your pants would cause any of several major issues (see Stage 4). However, you still somehow manage to look ridiculous in maternity clothes.
3. The “Hands Off!” Stage
The breasts feel like giant zits about to pop. Touch them and die!
4. The Farting Stage
I have to admit, this is my favorite stage. For me, it coincides with the end of Stage 1, so its arrival is much anticipated. Besides, I get to give my husband a taste of his own medicine.
5. The Garbage Disposal Stage
If it’s remotely edible, it goes in the mouth. Suddenly, your toddler’s leftover macaroni and cheese doesn’t look so bad. Even if it is stuck to his neck.
6. The HOT Stage
“Man, it’s hot in here. Turn on the A/C. Geez, aren’t you dying in this room? Open the windows!” You get the idea.
7. The Tortoise Stage
This stage arrives at a different point for every woman (karma ensures that the women who do not experience Stage 1 tend to encounter Stage 7 much earlier). The body begins to slow down and appears about to cave beneath the massive weight of itself. This stage is often accompanied by insensitive comments from strangers such as, “So, are you ever going to have that kid?” and “Wow, it seems like you’ve been pregnant forever.” Some women like to call this category the “Get This Thing Out of Me” stage.
8. The Labor Stage
Sorry, totally blocked this out. Oh, wait. I do have one memory: ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch.
9. The New Baby Stage
And then, thank the Lord, we’re done. Less than a year later, and we have a new baby. And while we do encounter an array of difficulties with newborns (don’t get me started on the joys of beginning breastfeeding), it is equally rewarding, don’t you think?
Why else would we keep having more?
Happiness is...
1. Nice reads from MommySavers.com
2. A good book by Ken Follet
3. Dinner and Coffee date (Part 2) with YFC friends
4. Family Day last Sunday
5. Dinner and Movie Date with Hubby last Saturday
6. A good movie (Quantum of Solace)
7. Still getting good sleep even if I'm now on my 38th week
8. The little girl having a blast with her cousins and playmates over the weekend
9. A good breakfast
10. A great dinner at Masas
To know how this started and credits of the header, click here.
Our family day with the in-laws last Sunday was kind of different. It was potluck and Hubby & I were assigned to organize the lunch. At first we had no idea what kind of food to bring but since my in-laws are currently on a diet for the past few months, we decided to make it a bit healthy. Hubby and I decided to bring Mango & Kani Salad, Tempura, and Estrel's cake (since I've been craving for this for days now!). We asked BIL to bring crabs and look!
It was very yummy! We asked SIL to bring chicken or beef so they brought baked chicken which was also good.
For the parents, we asked them to cook the Lapu-lapu Sinigang sa Miso. And they also grilled this very huuuuge fish which was really yummy.
I can say that everyone was happy after the sumptuous lunch! Not to mention the estrel's cake (which I ate two slices!) and three flavors of ice cream (pinipig, caramel, and vanilla). Everyone was full and wanted to sleep afterwards. LOL!
Alex had a blast playing with her cousins that she didn't take a nap! Just imagine, she woke up at 7AM that day and then she was WIDE awake the whole day. She was so excited. When we were in the car on the way home, that was when she slept but it was already 9PM. She didn't eat that much as well. But I guess that's just how it is when she gets excited. It made us realized that she really needs a playmate. :)
Well, I found the right bag that is. LOL!
After researching and window shopping for months now, I finally found the bag that I wanted. Actually I didn't have something in mind but I know that when I see "the right bag" I would know.
So yesterday, while checking out some small business for sale and then window shopping on the side at the mall, I found it. I had to think about it for a few minutes then Hubby offered to pay for it as his (early) Christmas gift. It must be my lucky day! :D
Thanks again sweetie, for the nice bag. (*grin*)
So there, I went home so happy. My window shopping turned out to be a success! What a nice way to start the weekend, right?
Have a nice weekend, everyone! (*wink*)
I know it's kind of odd but have you considered giving out video cards this Christmas? Why not, right? It would be nice for technical persons who love to upgrade their own computers. These people can be your office mates, friends, or even your relatives. I remember last Valentine's day, Hubby gave me an external Hard Disk which I really, really love and need too! So why not considering giving a useful thing this Christmas?
As I've written in my previous post, Hubby is the ultimate gadget lover. So every special occasions like birthday and Christmas, I would always give him a gadget. Last Christmas I gave him a PSP (thanks to this 0% interest or SIP! LOL!). Since he loves to play games, I'm considering of giving him the xbox 360. I'm not so familiar with it yet so I need to read about xbox and see if it would fit my budget. And oh, I forgot, I'm also considering of giving him a phone too. We'll see which one he likes better.
I remember our first purchase of our digital camera. It was an Olympus water proof and I can still remember the feeling after we purchased it. You see, Hubby is a gadget person meaning he loves to buys stuff like digital cameras, PSP, cellphone, computers and more. So the moment we purchased our own digital camera he was ecstatic! Now I'm eyeing this Nikon Coolpix P5100 Digital Camera - Black - 25580 because it looks small and compact and that I can take it anywhere I want to. And guess what? It's a 12 megapixel camera! Will do more research on this one and see if it would still fit our budget this Christmas. ;)
Yesterday, Hubby and I were talking about our car. He wanted to have an overhaul car wash after the baby arrives. But I insisted on having it before so that when the baby arrives, everything is sort of dust-free and clean. He is also contemplating on getting new tire chains but I guess that will have to wait since we need to save up for the delivery. Of course after the delivery there are other expenses like the baby's vaccination, checkup, diapers, milk and more. So maybe next year, we will take it into consideration.
...went just fine last Thursday. And guess what? I lost 1 lb for a week. It seems like I was taking ephedra-free fat burner but of course I wasn't. I was surprised actually because I was eating a LOT lately like pizza, burger, cakes, and more. My OB said I won't be giving birth in 2-3 weeks though because my cervix is still closed. I was actually relieved because I still need to finish work on the 21st and might be moving my last day on the 26th depending on the baby. Looking forward to my next checkup next week!
by Aurelia Williams.
Here's another nice and inspiring article from MommySavers.com.
Or should I say "Well Balanced Moms Are More Fun"? Let me ask you... When was the last time you had lunch with some girl friends, or went on a girl's night out? When was the last time you went on a romantic weekend getaway with your spouse? If you can't remember, we definitely have to talk.
It's so easy to fall into the mommy guilt trap. We feel guilty if we take time for ourselves, so we end up taking care of everyone in the family but us. It's easy to lose ourselves in the quest to become Super Mom. Along the way we get stressed out and aggravated. It's important to do something just for us to stay balanced moms. Here are some ways for you to get started on your journey to rediscover YOU.
1. Get together with some girlfriends. One of the best ways to rediscover yourself is to spend some time with your girlfriends each week. Have lunch together, go to the movies to watch the latest chick flick, or plan a girl's night out every once in a while.
If you are having a bad day, call one of your girlfriends to vent, or just chat. You'll be surprised how much better you feel and how it puts things back in perspective that seemed like the end of the world a few minutes ago.
2. Spend a romantic weekend with your spouse - anywhere but at home. Go away for a romantic weekend with your spouse a few times a year. Rekindle your passion for each other and feel in love again, instead just partners in dealing with the everyday "stuff' involved in raising kids.
3. Go on a date every week. Get a sitter once a week and go on a date with your significant other. Spend some time reconnecting with each other. If you have an activity that you both enjoy, take a class together.
4. Pamper Yourself. Do something every week to pamper yourself. Go get a new haircut. Visit your favorite nail salon for a manicure, pedicure or to get your nails done. Call your favorite day spa and schedule a facial. Get a massage.
If you are on a budget, pamper yourself at home. Send Dad and the kids to the park. Take a hot bubble bath and paint you toenails. Honey makes a quick facial. Place a cloth in warm water and apply to your face to open the pores. Smear on honey, and leave on for 15 to 30 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.
Don't feel guilty about taking time for yourself a few times a week. Your kids will appreciate it when they get a balanced and fun mom in return. You will be more relaxed, happier and actually be able to enjoy your family. After all, that's why you had kids in the first place, didn't you?
Now, I'm off to do some reading on Orovo and it's premium products. After all being healthy is also part of being a Mom right?
Happiness is...
1. Great weather today
2. McShaker Fries is back!
3. Upcoming movie and dinner date with Hubby
4. Dinner with my good friend MM
5. A relaxing (and lazy) weekend
6. New themes for my phone
7. God still provides!
8. Baby #2 is doing great (no more "scary" contractions that would lead to early labor)
9. My afternoon nap
10. Online Assignments
To know how this started and credits of the header, click here.
We didn't do much over the weekend except for our visit to the cemetery last November 1st. It was our first time to brave the traffic but we realized that it wasn't that bad after all. We were expecting a LOT of people but the crowd during our visit was tolerable. Or maybe we were just lucky since we were able to get a parking space at around 10AM. We were also lucky to discover a second exit at the cemetery so we didn't experience the traffic going home.
In short, our visit was a breeze.
I spent our Sunday sleeping the whole day while Hubby fixed a few things at the house. It was relaxing. I can say that it's been awhile (probably a month or two) that we spent the whole day at home (on a weekend) and boy, I was glad we did.
What books and/or magazines did I read this month?
- Kerygma Magazine
- Food, Candy, Smart Parenting, Good Housekeeping Magazines
- The Hammer of Eden by Ken Follet
What movies and/or tv shows did I watch this month?
- Caregiver
- Juno
- A Very Special Love
- Nights at Rodanthe
What special days did I celebrate and how?
- My brother Dandy's birthday
- Harley Eleria's Dedication
- MBAPs' baby shower/early Christmas party
- Fonzy's 2nd birthday
What gifts did I give and/or receive?
- Alex gave a little pony for Sam
- I bought canisters for MBAPs early Christmas party
- A bubble gun for Fonzy
- Dress and shoes for Harley
What illnesses or health concerns did I have?
- Swelling of legs!
What fun things did I do with my friends and/or family?
- Hubby and I went out to watch a movie after a long time
- Finished CLP this month
- Attended MVP at Christ the King
- Dinner with my family to celebrate my sister's promotion (wuhoo!)
- Yearly Reunion at Eternal Gardens with Hubby's family and relatives
- Alex had play dates every weekend with her cousins
- Alex had two trick or treats this year!
What new foods, recipes or restaurants did I try this month?
- Peri-Peri Chicken
- Jonas Pares
- Mrs. Fields cookies and brownies
- Huge burgers at Burger Avenue
What special or unusual purchases did I make?
- We had several auto insurance quotes this month but haven't really decided which one to get
- Bought some clothes for the little girl and baby girl at gingersnaps
- I bought some stuff online at TLC (hi pat!) for Alex and baby girl. Check out the stuff I bought (Photos snagged from TLC's multiply site).
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What were this month's disappointments?
- Aside from Alex's doing tantrums every now and then, I think all is well
What were my accomplishments this month?
- Weight gain is just right even if I'm eating a lot these days
- Less contractions last week so will probably give birth at the right time :)
Looking forward to next month when we will finally meet our baby girl!
I know a lot of women who are definitely a fan of Diamond Jewellery. They would save up their allowance and spend the whole amount just for a diamond. Others would say that it is an investment, others would say it is a want and not really a need. Gladstone Jewellery is a company that offers nice jewelries. It is a London-based fashion-house for fine quality, high-end jewellery. Women who are into jewelries might want to check it out. Currently there is what they call the ‘Black and white’ colletion. It is a startling collection created with a lavish array of shimmering, brilliant-cut black and white diamonds. Each stone is individually chosen for its clarity and colour. Hmmm, I wonder if Hubby is reading it now and that he is contemplating on giving one for Christmas. ;)
Since I wanted to make the most out of Ate A's wonder woman costume, I made sure that she use it twice! LOL! So Ate A had her second Trick or Treat this year at my sister's office in Makati yesterday. My sister who was always busy took the time off her busy schedule and join the activities. Thanks Tita Trish! I guess everybody in her office took a break from work, IT stuff and CAT6 just to have fun. And by looking at their photos it looks like they had a blast. I wasn't there though because I had to go to my weekly pre-natal checkup. But I made sure that photos are taken so I could at least witness the fun too!
Since I'm on my ninth month already, my pre-natal checkup is now weekly. My yesterday's checkup after work went well. Although I'm not proud to say that I gained 3 lbs in one week! I guess this is the effect of eating huuuuge burgers at 10 in the evening! The Doctor confirmed that I'm on my 36th week and that the baby's heartbeat is doing well. She gave me the "pink" slip already or the admission slip just in case I would give birth anytime.
Honestly, I can feel the contractions already but these are not that strong and I believe that I will be giving birth on my due date or probably afterwards. Just like with the little girl, I gave birth on my 41th week! But that's ok since I need to do a lot of things first before I give birth. Here is my list:
- Finish up some tasks
- My last day of work would end on the 21st so need to work, work, work first!
- Hubby and I need to go out on the date. I'm thinking of movie and dinner date
- Prepare the baby bottles and sterilizer (hospital and baby bags are now ready)
- Prepare the crib, rocker, car seat
- Prepare all bath essentials.
Now, I'm getting stressed out thinking of the things that we need to do. But hopefully I will get everything ready just in time for the big day!
I've been using my office chair for more than two years already and I realized that I need a new one! So I checked out some modern furniture online and look at some of the chairs I found that suits my office at home.
My current office chair is black so I want to get the same color. Although white would be more suitable for my office but considering that we live in the city, the dust would accumulate fast and I wouldn't how to clean it.
Got this from Kerygma (November 2008).
During this season of parties and more parties, how can we eat well without having to diet? Here are some tips from Jill Duplex, author of Lighten Up: A New Healthier Way to Cook:
1. Eat for pleasure and good health, not for weight loss.
2. Steam instead of grill, grill instead of roast, roast instead of fry, shallow-fry instead of deep-fry.
3. Drink better, drink less and drink only with the evening meal.
4. Eat more fish, chicken, vegetables and salads, and less red meat, pork, pasta, pastry and potatoes.
5. If you really want something, enjoy it without guilt, then lighten up the next day.
Will definitely try these steps for the upcoming holidays and probably check out some family health insurance too just in case we end up bingeing. LOL!
The Little Princess - Her weight is just alright. My OB was surprised on how much she moves a lot! While my OB was listening to her heartbeat, she heard the little princess kicked twice or thrice. The good news is that she is now in position - head down! I'm so happy. The classical music worked!
My Food and Weight - So far so good. I gained another 1 lb last week (after eating so much on weekends). I'm not sure this week though. I just hope I didn't gain too much since we had several parties and dinner outs last weekend. Lately I've been eating a lot of polvoron. This actually started when Jody gave us a pack of yummy polvoron during the MBAPs Christmas party. LOL!
How do I look now!? - Well I honestly don't know why pimples are "attacking" my face now that I'm on my 9th month. There are red spots at some parts of my face. Aaargh. How I wish I could use a little bit of acne treatment but of course, had to wait before I deliver to do that. My legs got bigger too and every lunch they would swell! It doesn't look good and it makes me sad sometimes (since I didn't have edema during my first pregnancy) but well, I guess it's part of the pregnancy. What I would do is put up my feet when swelling happens and then it will all go away.
How is Ate Alex coping up? - Alex is now aware that there really is a baby in Mama's tummy. Sometimes when she hear the word "share" she would think of the Baby immediately. Earlier I said she will share the candies that she will be getting from the trick or treat, she said, "yes, I will share it with the baby." I guess she's pretty ready to meet her baby sister. We are also preparing something for her (a gift from the baby for Ate Alex), I hope she gets to like the gift that we will be picking up for her.
Happiness is...
1. Less contractions this week
2. Starting the day early
3. Afternoon nap with the little girl
4. Movie date with Hubby after a looong time
5. Simple dinner at a Japanese restaurant
6. DVD marathon
7. Midnight snacks at Burger Avenue (yummy burger and fries)
8. Busy but fun-filled weekends
9. Trick or Treat for the little girl
10. Working from home
To know how this started and credits of the header, click here.
Alex has been looking forward to the trick or treat last Saturday. I bought her costume a couple of weeks ago so I could prepare her for that event. It's so different now compared to last year and the year before that because now, she really understands parties and that she also gets excited about it. When she sees her pail she would say she want candies. So I had to explain that she will get candies from the trick or treat.
As usual, we arrived at the clubhouse a bit on time and there were kids already. But the program didn't start yet. So we were able to take a few photos of the place.
When you register early (a few days before the Halloween party), you are entitled to food stubs - popcorn, hotdog, kropeck, and a lootbag. The party has three parts - games, costume parade, and magic show. We got bored in the middle of the party so we didn't wait for the magic show anymore. And the place has gotten too crowded too.
Anyway, the party I think ended around 4:30PM and then the traditional trick or treating started. I didn't go with Hubby and Alex anymore because I felt a few contractions while walking. And besides, I was walking slow already and they were ahead of me all the time.
But the most important thing is that, Alex had a blast! Here are more photos of the little girl a.k.a. wonderwoman. :D
Happy Halloween, everyone! ;)