Whew! November is finished just like that. Here is my monthly roundup for the month...
What books and/or magazines did I read this month?
- Started reading Tempting Fate by Jane Green
- Re-reading Mockingjay
What movies and/or TV shows did I watch this month?
- Big Hero 6
- Mockingjay Part 1
What special days did I celebrate and how?
- Our friend Migo's birthday!
- Our friend Inigo's birthday
- Kid #2's 6th birthday
What illnesses or health concerns did I have?
- This month was a very challenging month for me health-wise. I got sick twice. I'm thankful that I'm feeling so much better now and I'm back to my daily grind. Praise, God!
What fun things did I do with my friends and/or family?
- Movie date with the kids (Big Hero 6) to celebrate kid #2's birthday
- Two birthday parties - Inigo and Migo!
- Movie and dinner date with the Hubby
- Family day to watch Manny Pacquiao's fight
- Marriage Enrichment Retreat 2
- Early Christmas party with Twitterafia group
What new foods, recipes or restaurants did I try this month?
- Shi Lin's porkchop rice
- Tim Ho Wan's dimsum, sticky rice and more ♥♥♥
- Italliani's pasta vongole and grilled salmon
- Purple Oven's Chocolate Torte. YUM!
- Retreat House in Tagaytay
- Jollibee for our first Christmas party of the year!
What special or unusual purchases did I make?
- Christmas gifts for family, relatives and friends
What have you learned this month?
- I have learned that having social graces or etiquette cannot be bought. No matter how rich a person is, you cannot expect that person to treat you right. There are just people out there who don't have the ability to be kind, thoughtful to others. Not all people are alike. I'm thankful that somehow I'm not like those people (I hope!).
- I just realized how the impact of family is to the kids. I saw how happy they are when we are together, doing something, doing nothing, watching, playing and more. It reminds me to spend more time with them and treasure those moments as long as I can, because these are the moments that can no longer repeat.
We just saw the movie - Begin Again, and I'm so loving the songs! This one is my favorite!
Happy Sunday, peeps!
Do you still need to shop more for Christmas? This weekend is perfect because of this holiday rush sale currently happening this weekend...
Venue: SM Megamall Bldg. B, SM Megamall EDSA corner Julia Vargas Ave. Mandaluyong
Tel: (63 2) 985-7932
Time: 10am-9pm
Cost: Free
The Holiday Rush Sale, now on it's 2nd year, shall feature concessionaires selling clothes, shoes, bags & accessories, gadgets/souvenirs, decor & display, gift items, pastries and much more for the shopping and gift-giving season. Aside from the latest items or trends.
Are you a working Mom and wants to make the most out of this coming weekend with your kids?
Here's a nice article I came across from www.Mumcenter.com.ph by By Mariel Uyquiengco about 5 Tips on Being a Hands-On Mom Even When You’re Working
5 Tips on Being a Hands-On Mom Even When You’re Working
By Mariel Uyquiengco
Working moms usually suffer from guilty feelings, and it’s mostly because we are unable to spend enough time with our kids. The daily grind takes too much of our time and energy, and frankly, we don’t have a lot of ourselves left at the end of the day.
Most of us want to be hands-on parents. Juggling work and family, however, is never easy. Being hands-on with our little ones’ development seems to just be a pipe dream that only few with superpowers can accomplish.
While the stay-at-home moms, and even the work-at-home moms, do have a bit of an edge over those working outside the home in terms of time spent with the kids, working moms can still be hands-on parents. After all, if you can’t give quantity, you can always give quality.
Here are 5 tips on how you can be a hands-on mom even when you have a busy career. And no, this list doesn’t include tutoring your kids.
1. Read aloud everyday
There’s nothing as simple and as fulfilling as spending time reading to one’s child. Reading has all the right ingredients for perfect bonding moments: cuddles, entertainment, and lessons (if you can squeeze it in). Children’s books author Rosemary Wells advises parents to read to their children at least 20 minutes a day that will give them 20 minutes of fun and memories.
2. Eat together at least once a day
Eating together as a family allows everyone to catch up with each other in these busy, busy times. Try to have breakfast together, before rushing off to work and school, or maybe dinner if everyone can be home early enough.
3. Do something together during weekends
Weekends are for family time! While it’s perfectly nice to stay in bed together for Saturday and Sunday, try getting up and doing something! Go to a parent and child class (art, music, etc.) or wander around museums and parks. Being unplugged helps a lot too, as you can really focus on what your child is saying and doing.
4. Expand what he’s learning in school
Make it a point to know what exactly your child is learning in school. This is not to check on him, but to make an opportunity for you to be part of his informal education. Take a look at what he’s taking up in school and do activities or go to places related to it. You’ll be helping him learn more through hands-on learning, and isn’t that such a nice role to have?
5. Plan and prepare afterschool activities
Not there when your child comes home from school? Prepare some activities for him to choose from – games, art materials, books, music. If you have a young child with a nanny, they can even do the activities together even if you’re not there.
Working long hours and hands-on parenting may not seem to go hand in hand. But spending time to think of how your presence can still be palpably felt by your child is worth the effort.
A very nice article, isn't it? These are great advices that I surely will follow. ♥
After our sumptuous dinner in Rome, we decided to go around the are of our hotel and check out what's in store for us. We came across this beautiful fountain while walking around.
Believe it or not, it was just a hotel. (*grin*)
Yeah, I thought it was something historical too, but not, it was just a hotel. Would love to stay here too. I'm sure it would be heavenly.
We walked a little further and guess what we came across? the famous Trevi Fountain!
After walking around Trevi Fountain, my Dad, sister and I decided to have snacks and since it was our second to the last night in Italy, we had a glass of wine too.
This pasta vongole is one of the best I've ever tasted!
And one of the best ravioli I've ever had too!
It was a FUN night! Probably one of the best we ever had during our Europe tour. ♥♥♥
Happiness is...
1. Long nap over the weekend
2. Review time for the kids
3. Pasalubong from Tita Trish
4. The second kid's 6th birthday! Yey!
5. Family ♥
6. Happy LIFE
7. Good coffee to start off the week
8. Breakfast with my Sweetie
9. Italliani's Dinner
10. Mockingjay
To know how this started and credits of the header, click here.
You Teach People How To Treat You
One summer, when I was a thin, small, peepsqueaky, sixteen year old boy, I placed a backpack over my shoulder and rode a plane for Israel. (I won first prize in a Bible Quiz in Television—and this was the prize.)
It was the first time I traveled out of the Philippines.
And would you believe?
I went alone.
After moving around Holy Land for 10 days, I took another plane for Rome. And from one train to another, I traveled to 30 more cities in Europe: Assisi, Padua, Paris, Geneva, Brussels, Amsterdam, Frankfurt… All by my lonesome self.
When I came back, my classmates asked me what I did last summer.
Naturally, they freaked out when I told them. They pulled their hair and screamed, “That’s unfair! Your parents allow you to travel to Europe alone for a month? My parents don’t even allow me to go to my friend’s house across the street without a chaperone for two minutes! My parents are absolutely, completely, totally unfair!”
I laughed and never understood how our parents could be so different.
Today, 30 years wiser, I now understand.
I believe their parents weren’t being unfair.
What happened? Phillip Mcgraw says it powerfully: You teach people how to treat you.
I realize now that my classmates taught their parents to be controlling.
And I taught my parents to give me all the freedom in the world.
How? I was boringly predictable!
As a young guy, I basically obeyed them everyday. I came home at the time they wanted me to come home, I did my assigned responsibilities, and I loved God with all my heart! I was so boringly predictable, my parents could predict what I would say if a friend gave me a cigarette (“No, thank you. I love my lungs.”) or when a stranger would offer me drugs (“No, thank you. I love my brain.”).
Hey, this principle works in any relationship, so adults, listen to me.
Do you feel that your boss in the office is treating you unfairly?
Has your husband been verbally abusing you for ten years now?
Do you feel that your friends totally ignore you?
Let me give you a bitter pill to swallow: Partly, you created their response towards you. You taught them how to treat you.
About that boss that is unfairly treating you—just MAYBE, you showed a negative attitude in the office and your boss is responding with hostility.
About that verbally abusing husband—just MAYBE, you made your husband think it’s acceptable behavior that he maltreat you because you tolerate it again and again.
About the friends who totally ignore you—just MAYBE, they’re simply respecting the wall you’ve erected around you.
Stop blaming others.
Take responsibility.
Now go change your life.
After a couple of hours on the road from Pisa, we finally arrived the famous and most historical city - Rome. And look, the weather is good.
Well, still cold if you may ask but better compared to the other cities that we've been to (London, Amsterdam, and more). So our days in Rome was definitely great!
But first, dinner!
WE were too hungry from our roadtrip so we were so looking forward to this dinner.
Too bad the food wasn't THAT good, but since we were too hungry, we finished it within minutes!
Now, it's time to see what Rome has in store for us!
I remember this was my favorite song a couple of years ago, here's You Found Me by The Fray...
Have a blessed Sunday, everyone!
The Leaning Tower of Pisa is not the only one popular in this square. Wherever you look here, you will be amazed. Just like this one...
How are they doing it? (*grin*)
And the moment you entered the compound, you will have a peek of the tower.
Love it!
But not only that, restaurants, shops are everywhere too. Too bad we didn't have enough time to sit down and have a decent meal.
And now, it's time to shop for real leather, souvenirs, purses and more.
And more shops from the outside...
It was indeed a lively and beautiful place. Hope we could be back again one of these days.
Wowowow, finally the Cinderella trailer is here!
Ooooh, it looks lovely. I can't waaaaaaait for 2015! (*grin*)
Happiness is...
1. Busy but fun weekend!
2. Two parties last Saturday
3. Our kids met OLAF :)
4. Jollibee and Hetty too
5. Big Hero 6 movie date with the whole family
6. Tim Ho Wan for dinner
7. Popcorn!
8. Feeling better already
9. Planning for birthday parties
10.The kids laugh and smiles and hugs ♥
To know how this started and credits of the header, click here.
Beautiful song by James Morrison and Nelly Furtado.
Have a beautiful Sunday peeps! (*wink*)
While we were roaming around the square of Pisa, we finally saw the famous "Leaning Tower of Pisa". It was amazing!
The Leaning Tower of Pisa is one of the most remarkable architectural structures from medieval Europe. It is located in the Italian town of Pisa, one of the most visited European cities. SOURCE.
The Leaning Tower of Pisa is the piazza's crowning glory.
Although only a third as high as the Washington Monument, it was a miracle of medieval engineering, probably the tallest bell towers in Europe.
With 207 columns ranged around eight stories, Tower of Pisa looks like a massive wedding cake knocked precariously askew by a clumsy giant guest.
The construction of Tower of Pisa began in August 1173 and continued for about 200 years due to the onset of a series of wars. Till today, the name of the architect is a mystery. SOURCE.
ove that there were shops everywhere in this square too. Will post more about it soon. (*wink*)
Happiness is...
1. Fun weekend
2. Online window shopping
3. Photos
4. Freshly brewed coffee
5. Mc Donald's Breakfast ♥
6. The little girl's awards. Woot! Woot!
7. Instagram
8. Christmas is almost here
9. Our tree is up!
10. The little girl's birthday soon
To know how this started and credits of the header, click here.
We had another couple of hours on the road but it was ok because the view was fanstastic...
After 2 to 3 hours, we finally arrived Pisa. And we were all too excited!
We can't wait to see the Leaning Tower of Pisa. But first, take a look at these shops before entering the compound. Souvenirs, leather bags, shirts, aaah, everything was there. I wanted to buy these all.
But I had to control myself, we were not here to shop, we were here to look around. (*wink*)
And look, upon entering the compound, we were greeted by another wonderful Duomo/Cathedral of Pisa.
It was definitely beautiful!
Will post more about the compound soon.
I love Ed Sheeran, and now he has a new song!
Lovely, isn't it?
Happy SUNDAY! (*wink*)
This I can totally relate. No matter what you're going through, a good laugh and a long sleep go a long way. I would say I love to sleep and it makes me feel so much better if I'm able to sleep long. A laugh makes my day too.
Before my sister and I went back to our hotel, we walked around the square, until we came across the oldest bridge in Florence - the Ponte Vecchio.
Open all of the time, along the pedestrian zone south of Piazza della Repubblica towards Palazzo Pitti. SOURCE.
When the Medici moved from Palazzo Vecchio to Palazzo Pitti, they decided they needed a connecting route from the Uffizi to the Palazzo Pitti on the other side of the Arno that would enable them to keep out of contact with the people they ruled. The result was the Corridoio Vasariano, built in 1565 by Vasari and which runs above the little goldsmiths' shops on the Ponte Vecchio.
There have been stores on the Ponte Vecchio since the 13th century. Initially, there were all types of shops, including butchers and fishmongers and later tanners, whose industrial waste caused a pretty rank stench. In 1593, Ferdinand I decreed that only goldsmiths and jewellers be allowed to have their stores on the bridge. Cellini, a 16th century goldsmith, is honoured with a bust on the bridge. By night, the wooden shutters of the shops make them look like suitcases and wooden chests, making it a very suggestive route to take along an evening passeggiata, or stroll. SOURCE.
Aaah, beautiful place, very beautiful bridge. And look what we came across...
A guitarist who was playing for the people around the area. He was good!
Happiness is...
1. Relaxing weekend at the inlaws
2. Food, food, food
3. Turmeric Tea
4. The Fox Inheritance by Mary E. Pearson
5. Trick or Treat!
6. Rest
7. Quick lunch at the Trattoria
8. Pizza and Pasta, yum!
9. Kids are well now
10. Chocolatesssss
To know how this started and credits of the header, click here.

When you are in the middle of the square in Florence, you wouldn't miss the Medici Palace. It was very simple from the outside but my, it was definitely unforgettable when you see it inside. I'm glad we went inside for the quick tour.
Towards 1444 Cosimo the Eldest, the patriarch of the Medici family, commissioned to Michelozzo a palace to be built in via Larga (now via Cavour), close to the church of San Lorenzo: the palace is the first Renaissance building erected in Florence. SOURCE.
Characterised by clearly delineated and rusticated floors and a huge cornice crowning the roofline, the palace stands out for the arched windows arranged along its front and the partially closed loggia on the corner of the building. Two asymmetrical doors led to the typical fifheenth century courtyard, built following models of Brunelleschi and decorated with graffiti, originally opened on to a typically Renaissance garden. SOURCE.
By 1460 the palace was complete (it was also the residence of Lorenzo the Magnificent), although in 1517 the original building was altered by closing the loggia and adding the two "kneeling" windows according to Michelangelo's project. Originally designed as a sort of cube with ten windows for each ground and three big doors in the facade. SOURCE.
And what's inside and what we saw were even more beautiful...
Perhaps the most important section of the palace is still today the Chapel frescoed in 1459 by Benozzo Gozzoli representing the Procession of the Magi. The frescoes explicitly referred to the train of the Concilium that met in Florence in 1439. As a matter of fact many of the personalities portrayed are wealthy protagonists of the time and members of the Medici family. SOURCE.
Definitely an amazing, unforgettable and best palace I've ever seen (so far!).
A beautiful song for a beautiful life and beautiful day too..
♪ ♪ A beautiful life is unfolding before my eyes. Just like the sun will rise, to fill the empty sky. So shiiiiine.... ♪♪
♪♪ Could you believe, that the BEST is yet to COME! ♪♪
Feel blessed EVERYDAY especially this SUNDAY! (*wink*)
Just dropping by to greet you a...
* Photo grabbed from www.columbusdayweekend2014.com/happy-halloween-images.html