Our Quick Trip to the Mall

When we plan on going to the mall, we make sure that we make a schedule for it. Make sure that Ate A doesn't have that much assignments, that somebody will take care of them while we are out for a few hours, and we also make sure that we won't be out that long. So yesterday was THE day. I was able to fix our schedule (thank God!) and finally was able to go to the mall to buy a few stuff for the early Christmas party on Sunday. I saw a couple of nice dresses for the little girls but I controlled myself since I'm saving for something.

These are the times when I think I should save more so I could shop more. If I've invested in the bullion that I've been eyeing from US Gold Bureau a couple of months ago, I would have the cash now. The value just went up after a few months. Oh well, it's never too late. I could just choose from silver, gold or other precious metals. And then I can start investing now.

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