My Dream Bathroom.

I don't have anything against my bathroom, you see, I love our bathroom so much and I don't want to change it in anyway. But when I saw this, I can't help but dream of having one hopefully in the near future.

Grabbed from

As I posted earlier, we were having renovations and currently checking out our house plans. We don't plan on changing the entire house floor plans because we are very happy with our current setup. There are just things that we need to change after 3 years of living in our house. The bathroom above is one of the most popular in the United States. I'm the sure the entire house plan of where this bathroom is located is grander and bigger than we've imagined. But honestly, all I want is a simple and durable house that would be baby and kid friendly.

The electrical wires should be renovated so I'm checking out for ideas. They are providing ideas about renovations and I really more information since I haven't read since we last moved in. I remember before I used to read a lot of magazines and books about house construction. Now I need to review again for the renovation.

2 Response to "My Dream Bathroom."

  1. Nancy Janiola says:
    June 17, 2010 2:03 PM

    Hi Mich! I'm new here in you blog. just thought of wandering around to find new friends. Would you mind for a link exchange with my blog at

    Btw, that bathroom looks so grand.if i have that kind of BR, tingin ko di na ako makakalabas ng bahay ng madalas, heheh!

  2. janis says:
    June 18, 2010 10:43 AM

    ooh i also like the bathroom! :D