My Two Little Girls.

The girls are getting along pretty well these days. Now that Baby A is bigger, she can play with her Ate anytime. This is the part where I realize how much it's nice to have a 2 year and 9 months age gap between them. I love it that they are both girls and want the same type of toys. The only down side is that they just fight for one particular toy! When Ate A plays with some toy, Baby A would grab it whenever she wants. I know, not a good thing. Baby A would even cry if the Ate doesn't want to give her that toy.

But aside from that, they are both loving. Baby A would do anything her Ate did. Ate A loves her baby sister to bits.

Ate A Teaching Baby A How to Play with the Balloon


Baby A also wants Lollipop?

I just hope they stay close and loving until they grow up. Because it would be nice to have a sister that you can always count on whenever you need each other. I know because I got one and she's always there for me. (*wink*)

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