Check Out My Little Girls Now

Right before the Jollibee party, both of the girls were in the mood so the Dada took the opportunity and took their photos.




How time flies!

Ate A is now 4 years and 9 months old. Baby A, on the other hand is 2. The girls are now grabbing each other's toys. They share yes, but there are just days that they want only ONE particular toy. I don't understand, really! LOL! There are tons of toys that they can play with BUT, both of them want the SAME toy. Oh well...

Ate A is enjoying school and we would try to inquire in a big school soon. Baby A is getting more active everyday. She climbs, touches everything she sees, and eats whatever she holds. She still wakes up at night. (That is why I miss uninterrupted sleep for more than 2 years now!) But she's just charming and sweet as ever!

Ate A loves to do rough plays but we're trying to tell her that it's not good to play rough play with Baby A. (*grin*)

When I see these girls everyday, I can't help but feel really blessed for having them in my life. Such darlings that definitely make mine and Hubby's everyday really special.

1 Response to "Check Out My Little Girls Now"

  1. Rachel.htpmv says:
    December 21, 2010 1:25 AM

    You have a lovely family!
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