Never Give Up in Achieving Your Goals.

"With hard work comes great reward."

This is what I've been thinking about a lot lately. This saying because I've noticed that people nowadays, particularly the kids don't like doing the hard work. I've been raised differently though. My parents made sure that my brothers, sister and I value hard work. We would study hard, study as much as we could to pass our exams, have good grades and finish school. My parents made sure that we understand that without hard work, success won't be possible.

This is also true to achieving your goals. Without hard work, you won't be able to reach your goals. That is what happened to the company who developed the most interesting game to date, Wisdomantics. Guess what, they are celebrating their 10th anniversary today. YES, TODAY!

Woot! Woot! Congratulations Wisdomantics for reaching the 10 year milestone!

I've been told that it started with a vision. It was a beautiful vision, that is. Then it eventually became a reality. Although there had been several challenges, roadblocks, and revisions along the way, the maker still pursued his dreams until the game fully manifested! And now 10 years in the industry! Wow! Pretty amazing, right?

And guess what? I'm pretty sure there are more in store for us gamers! So, hang in there and watch out for more updates about my favorite game soon! (*wink*)

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