What books and/or magazines did I read this month?
- We are Made of Stars by Rowan Coleman
- All Our Yesterdays by Cristin Terill
- Wink Poppy Midnight by April Genevieve Tucholke
- Visions Series Book 1: Crash by Lisa McMann
- Visions Series Book 2: Bang by Lisa McMann
- Snow like Ashes by Sara Raasch
- Currently Reading: You are Here by Jennifer E. Smith
What movies and/or TV shows did I watch this month?
- Harry Potter Movies
- The Mummy (Woot! Tom Cruise!)
- Beauty and the Beast
- A Dog's Purpose
- Bad Neighbors
What special days did I celebrate and how?
- Father's Day
What illnesses or health concerns did I have?
- Thank you Lord I had very good health this month ♥
What fun things did I do with my friends and/or family?
- Quick Getaway to Zambales
- Went to Baguio with the whole family
- Movie Date
What new foods, recipes or restaurants did I try this month?
- Olongapo's famous pizza
- Baguio Vegetables
- Ben Cab Museum Hot Chocolate
- Gloria Maris for Father's Day
- Starbucks Breakfast and Cafe Latte
- Mama Lou's in Ayala 30th
What special or unusual purchases did I make?
- No Shopping this month! Woot!
What have you learned this month?
I miss watching plays so I decided to reminisce on the last play we watched last 2016. It was Annie. ♥♥♥
The kids are so, so, so excited for this! And us adults, looked forward to this for months too!
It was a great play and I can't wait to watch another one soon! (*wink*)
Happiness is...
1. Long Weekend ♥
2. Movie Night
3. Soccer Time (this time we got to play!)
4. PL App to Capture Memories
5. Planning Trips and Getaways
6. Blogging
7. More Online Tasks
8. Online Chats and Viber
9. Freshly Brewed Coffee
10. Bonding over Breakfasts on Weekends ♥♥♥
To know how this started and credits of the header, click here.
A couple of months ago we were invited by my BIL to try his favorite Ramen in the Metro -- Ramen Nagi!
It was his treat so off we went...
And we were so lucky because he was right, it was one of the BEST indeed!
The thing is, this Ramen is VERY TASTY yet NOT SALTY. I love, love it!
Plus this Bailey's ice cream dessert, our meal at Ramen Nagi was PEFECT!
Will we ever go back? Oh yes, DEFINITELY!
For reservations, you can check out the following information...
Address: 12 ADB Ave, San Antonio, Mandaluyong, 1605 Metro Manila, Philippines
Hours: Opens from 10AM to 10PM
Phone: +63 2 696 5875
Here's another article worth posting for us parents. Saving skills are skills that our kids will benefit for the rest of their lives. It's nice to stumble upon an article that will help us teach them how to do it. ♥♥♥
Jumpstart your kid’s saving skills by MomCenter.com.ph
Parents, when do you start teaching your kids the value of money? At what age do you begin giving them allowances? When they want to buy something high-value, do you buy it for them or let them save up?
Among many important values, I think being money-wise is something parents should teach their kids early.
With our kids returning to school in a few days, allowances and budgeting are some of the concerns we and our kids will be dealing with. Here are some tips on how to help your kids learn the value of saving.
1. Teach them the concept of saving early on with piggy banks. What my kids and I do is start a piggy bank account at the beginning of the year and use the savings for something they want for themselves during Christmas. This way, they will learn in a tangible way that saving money has its rewards.
2. Give older children allowances. My two daughters started receiving a weekly allowance when they got to Grade 3. Hub and I decided to give the allowance weekly instead of daily to teach them how to budget. If they used up the allowance before the week was over, sorry – they’ll have to do better next time.
I also encourage my kids to set aside a small amount from their allowances – a few coins each day will do. Last Christmas, Patch told me she wanted to give gifts to her classmates. I told her I only had little budget for that, and if she wanted to spend more, she will have to save for it. And so she saved from her allowances.
An allowance gives kids some feeling of empowerment, as well as a sense of responsibility. As they master their spending and budgeting skills, they become more confident.
3. Live by example. The kids must see how you yourselves as their parents are saving and budgeting. We can’t tell them “no, that’s too expensive” when they see us splurging on unnecessary luxuries, can we? When I buy groceries, I compare prices and stick to the ones I know are cheaper but with comparable quality. My kids have seen me whip out the calculator in the supermarket and compare, say, toilet paper prices per roll. LOL. I think my kids have absorbed the price-conscious attitude.
4. Let them spend their money. On the opposite end of saving is spending. I think it is not good to be too stingy to the point of Scrooge-ness. It’s good to let your kids enjoy the fruits of their savings once in a while. Spend and save in moderation – I think that’s a good guide. (My Chinese Hub would say “always save more than what you spend.”)
Guide your child as he/she decides on the purchase. Sometimes, letting your child make a mistake is a good learning experience that he/she will remember for a long time. This is something I learned from Hub – don’t be afraid to let the kids make mistakes because that’s how they learn.
5. Open a savings account. Again, a good time to do this would be after Christmas and New Year when they have gotten ang paos (red envelop) or money gifts from angkong and ama, titos and titas, or ninongs and ninangs.
We had dinner at Maginhawa Street a couple of months ago, but unfortunately I couldn't remember the name of the restaurant. ACK!
The place was a bit small though but, the food was cheap and good.
Any ideas what is the name of this restaurant?
I would love to go back here again!
My favorite breakfast place just opened a couple of months ago in BGC and of course, I made sure to try it as soon as possible! I couldn't wait for the Husband to try it too!
First things first, coffee...
Unfortunately the coffee was not THAT GOOD. I'm hoping they have better coffee next time!
But, the omelette! They are unforgettable!
And the husband was pretty happy with their big breakfast.
Now, I miss the States! Hope I could go back there one of these days. (*wink*)
Happiness is...
1. Happy and Relaxing Weekend
2. Father's Day
3. Lunch at Gloria Maris
4. Dimsum
5. Blogging and Saving Memories
6. Project Life
7. Soccer
8. School
9. Friends
10. Households
To know how this started and credits of the header, click here.
It is our last day in Beijing and what we decided to do was have a quick breakfast, visit the Church and thank the Lord for all these blessings, including being able to visit China.
So first, breakfast. It was really quick. Won't blog about it that much anymore since the food was just ok. We didn't even get the dimsum that we've been craving for days. LOL!
Next stop, the Wangfujing Catholic Church.
Located at Wangfujing Street in Beijing, the East Church (also known as Wangfujing Catholic Church) is the most conspicuous cathedral in Beijing. It was the second Catholic Church which was built only after the South Cathedral. It was originally named after Joseph, the father of Jesus Christ, as ‘Saint Joseph’s Church’. After several restorations in recent years, it has become not only an important venue of Catholics, but also a cultural site with unique features in the Wangfujing Area. SOURCE.
Its architectural style is Romanesque with Chinese architectural features. The whole building is of gray brick and wood structure. It is a typical model of the fusion of Chinese and western architecture style.
After the original surrounding walls were removed, the European-gray-spire building takes off its mysterious coat and comes into the sight of tourists. SOURCE.
The Catholic Church is situated in the middle of the East Church, facing the west. The church sits on a bluestone base. There are three crosses on the top, among which the middle one is bigger than the side ones. The hall is supported by 18 round brick columns. The diameter of each column is 65 cm (2 feet) and the base of each column is square. On both sides of the hall hang many oil paintings like Crucifixion of Jesus or Passion of the Christ. Besides, many precious religious paintings drawn by Giuseppe Castiglione are preserved.
The square in front of the church, covering over 8,000 square meters ( 8,6000 square feet), is now completed. The square is surrounded by trees and on both sides there are benches for pedestrians. Now, it is not only a convenient mass center for the catholic, but also a place for visitors to explore the religious culture and even a popular scene for some youths in Beijing to take wedding photos.
1.Take Bus 103, 102, 104, 803, 814, 808 and get off at Dong’anmen Market, then head north about 300yd (270m).
2. Take Subway Line 5 and get down at the Dengshikou, then head toward Cypress Hutong for about 300yd (270m) SOURCE.
Visit this Church! It is a must!
Our trip to Beijing was indeed interesting. A bit challenging to move from one place to another, but still, it was memorable and an experience that we will never forget. (*wink*)
Such a cool song by Andy Grammer. Love it!
Have a blessed Sunday, peeps!
Most of our kids are back to school by now. We enjoyed summer immensely but whew! I could say that with all our getaways and trips to the malls during the hot season, we somehow didn't expect all the expenses we made.
So, I'm starting all over again when it comes to finances and here are great tips from MomCenter.ph that we parents need to be a "Smart Mama".
Read on...
7 Habits for Money Smart Mamas
By traditional standards, men are the primary providers of the family while women are responsible for the home. In these modern times however, most households now have 2 wage earners, because more women are now opting to work…hence the birth of the working mama.
Interestingly enough, the jurisdiction over household matters still falls under the job description of the wife…and this includes the domestic finances. Why is that? One may surmise that it is the woman’s attention to detail that make her more skilled at managing the nitty gritties of household finances. And this is true, but women are also the more emotional gender, which makes the fairer sex more likely to make impulsive decisions.
Women, moms in particular, have a lot to juggle in their lives and adding one more thing: money matters…can be a little overwhelming. But the need to prioritize the family’s financial health is no small matter. If left to neglect, the consequences could be severe. Thus, the importance of developing money smart habits cannot be emphasized enough.
1. Set goals and create guidelines to achieve them. Always begin with the end in mind. Before you set guidelines for saving and spending, put the numbers down and work towards them. Saving for a house? Starting a tuition fund? Looking into buying insurance? Identify your goals and create actionable plans to work towards them.
2. Live within your means. Avoid debt by consciously living within your means. For example, if you earn 30,000 a month, try to create buffer for planning your monthly budget so that you can put a percentage of this into savings.
3. Identify the difference between wants and needs. Did you really need to eat out tonight, or would you have saved money by enjoying a simple meal at home? Do you really need another car, or can you work around commuting? Do you really need that new iPhone? Or will the one you are using last a few more years?
4. Avoid borrowing money, even on credit. Everybody knows this, but old habits die hard. Credit cards create the illusion of having more money than you actually have. Here’s a tip. Withdraw the amount of money you have set aside for your monthly budget and pay for everything in cash. This will help you to become more disciplined and discerning about your expenses, because you no longer have a seemingly “unlimited” spending power.
5. Learn to say no. As moms, we are often pulled in many directions when it comes to the pressures of spending vs. saving but the best thing we can do for ourselves and for our families is to learn how to say no. Remember that when you say no to something you want buy may not need, you are saying yes to taking one step closer to kind of life that you and your husband are working towards for your family.
6. Track your expenses. Know where your money goes! Between grocery receipts, utility bills, and tuition invoices, knowing exactly where every peso goes can be tedious, but these tracking tools will be your best friend at the end of the month when you do your check and balance.
7. Always be learning. There are numerous books that written to make financial literacy accessible to the average woman. Why not pick one up to get tips from the experts to further refine your household’s financial management.
While developing smart money habits are a good place to start, like the experience of every student, moms must be patient with themselves. There’s no need to expect to get every habit down perfectly right away. It will truly be the small changes we make in our habits every day that will make all the difference.
And, we finally arrived the Summer Palace. ♥
The construction started in 1750 as a luxurious royal garden for royal families to rest and entertain. It later became the main residence of royal members in the end of the Qing Dynasty. However, like most of the gardens of Beijing, it could not elude the rampages of the Anglo-French Allied Force and was destroyed by fire. According to historical documents, with original name as 'Qingyi Garden' (Garden of Clear Ripples), the Summer Palace (Yiheyuan) was renamed after its first reconstruction in 1888. It was also recorded that Empress Dowager Cixi embezzled navy funds to reconstruct it as a resort in which to spend the rest of her life. In 1900, Yiheyuan suffered another hit by the Eight-Power Allied Force and was repaired in the next two years. In 1924, it was open to the public. It ranked amongst the World Heritage Sites by UNESCO in 1998, as well as one of the first national AAAAA tourist spots in China. SOURCE.
With so many sights to see, I didn't know where to look!
The court area. It is located in the northeast of the Summer Palace, and it spreads from East Palace Gate to the northeast coast of Kunming Lake. This was a substitute where Empress Dowager Cixi and Emperor Guangxu met officials and conducted state affairs. With the same pattern of the imperial palace of China-'Palace in front and garden behind', the Court Area consists of sections for both court affairs and living. East Palace Gate and Hall of Benevolence and Longevity served as office of the Emperor. The Hall of Jade Ripples was for Guangxu to live in and the Hall of Joyful Longevity for Cixi. There are also the Garden of Virtue and Harmony where Cixi was entertained and Yiyun Hall where once lived the Empress Longyu. Moreover, this area is an integrated transport hub and the first best stop for visitors to enjoy attractive view of Kunming Lake and Longevity Hill.SOURCE.
Took a quick break and decided to try this... YUM!
Rear Hill Area. It is quiet as compared to Front Hill Area. Most constructions were never able to be repaired after wars, only a few ruins are left. In the axis of Rear Hill Area, there used to be a religious building group-Houda Temple, a composite structure with both Han and Tibetan characters. Although the constructions are fewer here, it has a unique landscape with dense green trees and winding paths. Strolling here, visitors can feel a rare tranquility and elegance. Famous scenic spots include Garden of Harmonious Interests, Hall of Increasing Longevity, Four Great Regions, Presence of Virtue Temple and Hall of Serenity, etc. SOURCE.
Planning to go there as well? Here are the steps on how to get there...
Tourists can enter the palace from the North Palace Gate, the East Palace Gate, the New Palace Gate and the West Palace Gate.
By Bus:
Take bus 330, 331, 332, 346, 508, 579, 584, 601, 608 or 696, get off at Yiheyuan Station and then walk west to the East Palace Gate.
Take bus 469 or 539 and get off at Yiheyuan West Palace Gate Station.
Take bus 331, 332, 333(内), 333(外), 375, 432, 438, 498, 508, 579, 584, 594, 601, 664, 697, Te 18, Te 19, Te 6, Yuntong 106, Yuntong 114 or Yuntong 118, get off at Yiheyuanlu Dongkou Station (The Eastern End of Yiheyuan Road) and then walk west to the East Palace Gate.
Take bus 303, 330, 331, 346, 375, 563, 584 or 594, and get off at Yiheyuan North Palace Gate Station.
Take bus 74, 374, 437 or 952 and get off at Xin Jian Gong Men (Yiheyuan New Palace Gate) Station.
By Subway:
1. Subway Line 4: get off at Beigongmen, take exit D and walk to the North Palace Gate; or get off at Xiyuan to reach the East Palace Gate from exit C2.
2. Subway Line 16: get off at Xiyuan and leave from exit C2. Walk west to the East Palace Gate.
Yey, the Father's Day weekend is coming really, really soon. Well come to think of it, it's actually this weekend already. Whoa, time is flying by so quickly. I couldn't believe that it. It was only like yesterday that I was posting (and thinking) of what to give the Husband.
As always, the musically inclined person that he is, I'm getting the best deal here and see if there are guitar accessories that I can order for him.

Yes, he loooves playing the guitar, the drums and even the piano. This is a no-brainer. I'm definitely getting him something that he loves. A musical instrument OR something that he can use FOR his guitars. A cover maybe? A new drumstick? A new pic, perhaps?
These are the moments why I love the internet so much because it makes me do that last-minute shopping for Father's Day gift. Yebah!
How about you? Have you shopped for your most important Dad in the whole wide world? (*wink*)
This is another highlight of our bonding trip to Beijing, China with my Mom and brother. Summer Palace. But first, let me post about our quick boat ride in going there.
Situated in the Haidian District northwest of Beijing, Summer Palace is 9 miles (15 kilometers) from the downtown area. Being the largest and most well-preserved royal park in China, it greatly influences Chinese horticulture and landscape with its famous natural views and cultural interests, which also has long been recognized as 'The Museum of Royal Gardens'. SOURCE.
Yes the place was breathtaking!
Too bad the boat ride only lasted for few minutes!
The area covers a larger part, and opens up the vista of Kunming Lake, as well as the sights around Back Lake (Houxi River). East Causeway of the lake is connected to the West Causeway by Long Gallery, which both were interspersed with pavilions, bridges and wharfs. Famous attractions amongst this area are numerous, including Seventeen-Arch Bridge, Bronze Ox, Nanhu Island, Hall of Embracing the Universe, Spacious Pavilion, Pavilion of Bright Scenery, Marble Boat, Suzhou Market Street, etc. As breeze fluttering, waves gleam and willows kiss the ripples of the vast water, the highlights can't be let off from any of the delightful scenery above. SOURCE.
And look, we are here!
Excited to explore this place. Will post more about it soon! (*wink*)
Happiness is...
1. Weekend Trip to Baguio!
2. Cold, cold weather
3. Fogs and Hugs
4. Family Time
5. Food Trip
6. Tsokolate de Batirol. YUM!
7. Ben Cab Museum
8. Movie Night
9. Home
10. Long Weekend
To know how this started and credits of the header, click here.
Here's another article that most of us parents need as reminders on how to raise our kids well...
6 Tips From Harvard Psychologists Who Studied What It Takes to Raise ’Good’ Kids
Bright Side would like to share with you six such pieces of advice about caring for and raising your child that have come straight from experts at Harvard University.
1. Spend time with your kids
This is the basis for everything. You should regularly spend time with your kids, take an interest in their hobbies as well as their problems, and, most importantly, listen to what they have to say. You’ll not only learn much about your son or daughter’s unique personality, but your actions will provide them with an example of how to show care and attention for others.
2. Always tell your child what he or she means to you
According to research carried out by psychologists, many children don’t know that they’re the most important person in the world to their parents. They genuinely need to hear these words from you. Don’t forget to say them as often as possible so that your child feels safe, loved, and valued.
3. Show them how to resolve problems and not run away from them
For example, if your child suddenly decides they want to give up football training, ask them to explain why they want to do this, as well as the obligations they have to their teammates. If they still want to give it up, help them to find something new to ignite their passions.
4. Train them to help you out with something every day, and show that you’re grateful for their assistance
Research shows that people who are used to expressing their gratitude are more inclined to feel compassion for others, are more generous, and love to help. So it’s worth developing a set of daily activities that your child can help you with at home, for which you can thank them at every stage of the day. Psychologists also recommend rewarding children for genuine displays of kindness and the effort they put into helping you.
5. Help your child cope with their negative emotions
Psychologists believe that the ability to care for others is suppressed by such negative emotions as anger, hatred, shame, and envy. In helping children to comprehend these negative feelings, it will push them towards resolving their internal conflicts. Self-analysis of this kind will set them on the long path to becoming compassionate, caring individuals. It’s also important for establishing psychological stability.
6. Show them that the world is far bigger, more complex, and more interesting than they could ever imagine
According to research carried out by psychologists, almost all children are interested only in the small world of their family and friends. It’s crucial that they also learn to take an interest in the people and events outside this limited circle, which may differ from what they know in social, cultural, and geographical terms. You can help them with this by learning to be a good listener who can place themself in someone else’s shoes and feel empathy, whether it’s through films, photographs, or the news.
Some final important words from the experts at Harvard: ’Raising a child to be polite, caring, and compassionate is a very difficult task. But it’s exactly what all of us are capable of doing. And nothing else in the world will ever compare to the importance of this or the priceless joy you feel from it when it’s achieved.’
Another must-see in Beijing - the Temple of Heaven!
The Temple of Heaven Park is located in the Chongwen District, Beijing. Originally, this was the place where emperors of the Ming Dynasty (1368 - 1644) and Qing Dynasty (1644 - 1911) held the Heaven Worship Ceremony. It is the largest and most representative existing masterpiece among China's ancient sacrificial buildings. First built in 1420, the 18th year of the reign of Emperor Yongle of the Ming Dynasty (1368 - 1644), it was enlarged and rebuilt during the reigns of the Ming emperor Jiajing and the Qing emperor Qianlong. In 1988, it was opened to the public as a park, showing ancient philosophy, history and religion. Its grand architectural style and profound cultural connotation give an insight into the practices of the ancient Eastern civilization. SOURCE.
Covering an area of 2,700,000 square meters (3,529,412 square yards), it is larger than the Forbidden City. As the 'Sons of Heaven’, Chinese emperors were precluded from building a dwelling for themselves that was greater than the earthly residence dedicated to Heaven hence the difference in overall size of the two complexes. The temple is enclosed by a long wall. The northern part within the wall is semicircular symbolizing the heavens and the southern part is square symbolizing the earth. The northern part is higher than the southern part. This design shows that the heaven is high and the earth is low and the design reflected an ancient Chinese thought of 'the heaven is round and the earth is square'.SOURCE.
The Temple is divided by two encircling walls into an inner part and outer part. The main buildings lie at the south and north ends of the middle axis of the inner part. The most magnificent buildings are the Circular Mound Altar (Huanqiutan), the Imperial Vault of Heaven (Huangqiongyu) and the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest (Qiniandian) from south to north. SOURCE.
Here's a recommended route for the Temple of Heaven:
1. Zhaoheng Gate (South Gate) → Circular Mound Altar → South Divine Kitchen → Echo Wall → Imperial Vault of Heaven → Three Echo Stones → Danbi Bridge → East Annex Hall → Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests → West Annex Hall → Palace of Abstinence → Divine Music Administration
2. North Gate → Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests → East Annex Hall → West Annex Hall → Danbi Bridge → Echo Wall → Imperial Vault of Heaven → Three Echo Stones → Danbi Bridge → South Divine Kitchen → Circular Mound Altar → Lingxing Gates → Palace of Abstinence → Divine Music Administration.
I highly recommend that you visit this place!
How to go there? Here are the details:
By Bus:
Take bus 120, 122, 36, 525, 53, 958, Te 11, Te 3, Te 12, Yuntong 102, and get off at Tiantan Nanmen (South Gate) Station.
Take bus 120, 17, 2, 35, 36, 504, 53, 622, 69, 71, 72, 93, Te 11, and get off at Tiantan Ximen (West Gate) Station.
Take bus 106, 110, 34, 35, 36, 6, 72, and get off at Tiantan Beimen (North Gate) Station.
By Subway: Subway Line 5: get off at Tiantan Dongmen Station, Leave from Exit A and you'll find the East Gate of the Park.
One (or two) of our most highly anticipated moment in our kids' lives was their 7th birthday. So, we made sure that we make it as memorable as much as possible so our kids would remember it until the rest of their lives.
Here's the Camp Rock themed party of our eldest. You see, she loves to sing! If you are here on my blog for quite some time now, I've been posting about how my family loves music. A lot!
So we setup a party that is so apt for our eldest's personality and of course favorite!

It was all about music! The Husband even displayed his own guitars at the venue. We could have gotten a electronic drum pad at guitarcenter.com but the Husband's drumset were not yet purchased at that time.

Yes, you read it right, the Husband purchased a drumset and he loves it to bits. The kids even wanted to play it once in a while. I told you my family is really INTO music. They love it!
And here's our kid #2's 7th party, this time, it was a Hi-5 Sing and Dance Party!

It is all about singing and dancing. The venue was laid out for kids who love to dance and sing (so as the birthday girl!)

These really are indeed the memorable moments of our kids' lives. But right after these parties, we decided to give in and buy them those instruments we found online. I'm so, so glad we did because after purchasing, they started their lessons too. After all, there is no reason not to start those lessons, right? (*wink*)
Entering the Forbidden City is as important as leaving the place. Yes, it is true! The things we saw were equally beautiful. We couldn't leave the place, I tell you!
But we did since we still have a lot of places to see for the day.
Well, at least I have this photo as a souvenir.
And THIS. No words to describe this beauty.
How to leave?
Exit is allowed only through the Gate of Divine Prowess in the north of the museum, and the East Prosperity Gate.
1. Leaving from the Gate of Divine Prowess:
a. Take bus no. 58, 101, 103, 109, 124, 685, Tourist Line 1, or Tourist Line 2 at Gugong (Forbidden City) Station.
b. Take bus no. 58, 111, or 124 at Jiangshan East Gate Station.
2. Leaving from the East Prosperity Gate:
a. Take bus no. 2 or 82 at Donghuamen Station.
b. Take Tourist Line 2 at Gugong East Gate Station.
Take note also of the following tips:
1. Free for children under 3.9 feet (1.2 meters), each accompanied by an adult.
2. For minors between 6 and 18 years old, the admission ticket price is CNY 20 and the ticket for Treasure Gallery and Clock and Watch Gallery each is CNY 5.
3. Seniors elder than 60 can enjoy half price by showing a valid ID or passport.
4. The Annual Ticket (CNY 300 for 10 entries a year) is only applied to Chinese citizens.