Happiness is...
1. Tagaytay Highlands getaway with the MBAPs
2. In-laws's 41st anniversary
3. Ate had fun swimming the whole weekend!
4. Good food and great company at the highlands
5. Andie turns 6 months old!
6. Surviving without our all-around help/Andie's yaya
7. Ate A's graduation - she was the most obedient!
8. Yummy burger at Burger Ave.
9. 2-hour nap
10. Andie started eating solids!
To know how this started and credits of the header, click here.
May 26, 2009 10:16 AM
happy thoughts indeed! hope you are all doing well.
May 28, 2009 8:29 AM
Have a happy day sis! :)