December, I can say was the busiest month for Ate A. I took a break from work and tasks such as motorhome towing and accompany her at educational field trip was at Avilon Zoo in Montalban. I was supposed to find the best motorhome towing for my Mom who just migrated in the US but I had to prioritize this field trip.
At first I was hesitant on letting her go because she is too young for such trips. But Hubby insisted so I decided to go with her. I'm glad we did come to the field trip. It was really a lot of fun and I get to know her classmates and their parents. She saw a lot of nice animals and I can say it was really educational (for me as well!). After a week, they had their Christmas Musical Play about the Sea Creatures in Harmony. They were trained by the Trumpets so it was a really good play. Ate A was a squiggly SQUID! Of course she had fun dancing in front of us! I just love, love the play! Can't wait to watch another one next school year!I know, I know, I haven't been able to update this blog anymore after million years. I have to tell you, my excuse is not the Christmas rush but the flu that got to Hubby, myself, and the kids from 23rd up to now. So there. Our plans for the holidays were entirely changed. We were supposed to have our Noche Buena at home but we opted to just sleep and have the kids' gifts opened in the morning of Christmas day. Santa was still able to drop by though. ;) Check out Ate A's loots here and Baby A's loots here. As for me, I got a nice ROOTOTE Bag and a nice book from a fellow Bebot/Twittermate Ate Jen for our Christmas Exchange gift!
I'm almost done with the book and I have a lot of realizations about myself and Hubby. It is indeed a nice book :D As for Hubby's gift, I asked him to buy me a lacoste bag from Faye. LOL! I gave him Dan Brown's The Lost Symbol and a box of Ferrero chocolates. Now he is officially hooked! I can't ask for anything else anymore except for everybody (Hubby, me, and the kids) to get really, really well so we will have a fun New Year! How about you, friends? How was your Christmas?While I was working on a task about bodybuilding supplements the other day, I heard my little girl Ate A told me I was the best. Here goes our conversation... Ate A: Mama, you're the best... Me: Awwww, Ate that's sweet. Say that again please... (LOL!) Ate A: Mama, you are the best... Mama: Wow, thank you for saying that Ate. Why? What made you say that? Ate A: You are the BEST Mama and I am Beauty. We are Beauty and the BEST! BWAHAHAHAHA! This definitely made my day!!! I kept on laughing afterwards that I couldn't finish my task. Now I need to read more about it and see what I missed the other day (*grin*)
Happiness is...
1. Christmas Dinner with friends
2. Family bonding time every night
3. Busy, busy life!
4. Overflowing toys of the little girls
5. Inspiring messages through email and FB (thanks to Hubby for fowarding these messages)
6. Real friends
7. God's protection
8. Online shopping (always makes my day! LOL)
9. Suzanne Collins' Catching Fire
10. More books to read SOON!
To know how this started and credits of the header, click here.
I've been sooo busy with errands that I didn't have time to post the photos of our little ladybug!
Baby A wasn't able to take a nap before the party. But she ate a lot for lunch and seems like she knew that her party is about to start! She looks really excited. Although the whole time we had a hard time letting her smile for the camera but it's ok since she was dancing the whole party everytime there was music!
While the guests were eating, she took a nap! Then after her nap, she got energy again to dance and enjoy the party.
Here are a couple of my favorite photos of the ladybug...

After the party, Baby A and Ate A made the most out of the inflatable and played there until 730PM! They had it for themselves! They had the time of their lives. I guess the inflatables were worth it even if they didn't arrive on time. More details here.
Honestly, I didn't REALLY plan this party well. Surprisingly, work was hectic and so were online tasks. I even had to do a bit of research on Toto sinks the last minute as one of my online assignments. But, I'm not complaining. I'm happy that God is providing, as always.
And besides, I was in denial that Baby A was really turning ONE! LOL! I didn't realize that it's going to be her birthday already. That fast! It feels like it was only yesterday that I was in labor.
For now, will post a few photos of the party details. More stories and photos at my other blog.

Stage Backdrop by Yan-Ple Balloon and Party Shop

Mr. Alex Lagula as the host and magician

Cake by A Piece of Cake

Cake by A Piece of Cake

The Give-aways

Mini Carousel by Jellie Bellies

The Table Centerpiece

Give-aways for the adults!

Inflatables by Jareds Party Shoppe
Check out more photos of the party details here.
Because finally I got time to sit and plan our next family vacation. It's that big if think about it. But for the kids, it's going to be a major trip if they are going to finally meet Mickey Mouse. And they can't believe that the Disney Princesses are already waiting for them! But when I think about white sand beaches of Riviera Maya, I feel like going there instead of Disneland Hongkong. Imagine the crystal clear water and powder like sand, the never-ending massage and late night dinners at the beach shore. Aaaah, definitely my kind of vacation. But of course, our priority for now are the kids and since Ate A is already big enough to appreciate Disneyland, we will be there in no time!
I finally got the DVDs from the official photographer (Guj and Mike) last Monday. I just didn't have time to upload everything because I was too busy looking for glass tiles for the house. My in laws' house are still on going and they need to find some tiles for their living room.
Anyway, there are a lot of photos so I will just post it here in batches.
Before the party started, I asked Guj to take a couple of family portraits inside and outside the venue. Check out a couple of my favorite shots...

Oh by the way, I posted two supplier ratings at my other blog already. Check it out.
- Yan-ple's Balloon and Party Shop
- Cupcakes by Piece of Cake
I can't believe it's the last day of November already. It feels like this month just started!
I can say this is most fun month we ever had this year. Check out our roundup.
What books and/or magazines did I read this month?
- Hunger Games
What movies and/or TV shows did I watch this month?
- Ang Tanging Pamilya (LOL!)
- Hopefully, we get to watch New Moon LATER!
What special days did I celebrate and how?
- Andie's first birthday!
- Sam's 4th birthday
- Dom and Mateo's first birthday
- Mom's despedida
What gifts did I give and/or receive?
- Andie got lots of gifts from her party
What illnesses or health concerns did I have?
- My colds were bugging me for the whole month! :(
What fun things did I do with my friends and/or family?
- Went to Tagaytay for a family getaway (we were able to eat at Bag O'Beans)
- Lots of fun birthday parties this month
- Had coffee with Farrah
- Dinner with Dad while he was here
- Dinner with highschool friends
What new foods, recipes or restaurants did I try this month?
- We ate at Dampa Ortigas before Dad left
- Dinner at Secret Recipe
What special or unusual purchases did I make?
- Started Christmas shopping this month
What were this month's disappointments?
- my colds - something that I should have my Doctor checked
What were my accomplishments this month?
- Andie had a fun party. I haven't prepared for the party that much but inspite of it, we still had fun and seems like the kids had fun too
Happiness is...
1. Coffee date with Farrah last night
2. Andie's super fun birthday party last Saturday!
3. Hubby and two little girls
4. Strawberries for snacks
5. Online shopping
6. Dinner with family
7. Seeing Andie's smile when she wakes up in the morning
8. Shopping for Christmas
9. Kids' birthday parties!
10. Connecting with friends through Facebook
To know how this started and credits of the header, click here.
of Andie's birthday party, that is!

I don't have the official photos yet. But some friends like Thea and Pef already uploaded through their FB accounts. The photo above is from here. A couple of shots by Guj Tungpalan of Redsheep Photography. So far, I love the first few photos! I can't wait to see more.
We had a blast at Andie's party. The party started late though. But it's ok since the program is not too long anyway so we still finished at 6 or 630PM (I think). I was stressed out before the party started but thanks to Apple, she made me relax a bit. LOL! Supplier ratings to follow, watch out for it in my Explore Manila blog.
To all those who came to the party, thank you so much! You made Andie's birthday a memorable one! ;)
More photos and stories SOON!

I was supposed to post this yesterday but I was too busy preparing for Andie's birthday party that I decided to post this early morning today.
Where did all those 12 months go? Is it really one year already since we were having sleepless nights? LOL!
As I would always blog, Andie is such a darling. She has a totally different personality from her Ate (as expected). She is a bit on the strong side. If she doesn't know you, she won't let you carry you. She cries when she sees a new person. But when she knows you and is familiar with you already, she would be as sweet as ever. She would smile at you or even laugh with you like there is no tomorrow!
She has taken 3 or more steps on her own already. The funny thing is that when she starts walking (with support) she would laugh and enjoy it very much. She loves walking around the house.
She has a lot of teeth and eats anything she wants. Although I haven't let her try as much food yet because she might not like it if I offer it altogether.
We had fun last night just us celebrating at home. We had pansit, crab omelet, sinigang, chicken, and veggies for dinner. Then we bought the Kahlua Tiramisu Cake from Goldilocks. We sang "Happy Birthday" and took a few photos. We did this while preparing the giveaways and prizes for her party tomorrow. It was a simple celebration yet it was fun!
Happy Birthday, Andie!
I wish you good health, happiness, and love in your life. May you be strong enough to face the challenges that will come your way. May you love the life ahead of you. And I hope you realize that we love you so much and we will always love you no matter what.
For the love of Pacquiao, we all went to Tagaytay to have our family day and then watched Pacquiao/Cotto fight (together as a family) the day after! But since I missed Bag O' Beans' hot chocolate, we decided to leave Manila early last Saturday to have breakfast there.
As always, we loved our food - breakfast platter and omelet with bacon. We left Bag O' Beans so full we couldn't move! Check out our photos.

After breakfast, we went to the in-laws' house. Good thing they were there a day before so the house was already cleaned. We didn't bring our humidifier and humidifier filters anymore since we knew that the room was vacuumed already before we arrived.
The weather was perfect. A bit cold but not too cold for me to have double blankets. We even used the aircon during the night. The kids had so much fun playing. I miss Tagaytay so much and we will probably go back there before the year ends.
P.S. Noticed Ate A's face!? Aaargh! She got the bites from somewhere! The Pedia didn't even know why. :( But the wounds on her face are getting better now and she feels better too.
Right before my day gets very busy, I would like to post this first. It's just nice to be thankful for the blessings - big or small. Although there are times that I don't appreciate these small things. It's nice to look back at my "Wednesday Happy Thoughts" and makes me realized that I'm truly blessed.
1. air filters - they are a blessing. Our air filter protects the kids from the dust!
2. Our getaway from Tagaytay
3. Online tasks are pouring (thank you Lord)
4. The smiles of the little girls
5. Andie is almost 1! (1 more day to go!)
6. Online friends
7. Bag O'Beans' hot chocolate
8. Working from home
9. Andie's 1st birthday celebration soon
10. A good massage
To know how this started and credits of the header, click here.
I'm receiving this daily dose of God Whispers through email and I would like to share what I got today which is very inspiring...
Dear Mich,
Surrender your stress to Me now. You're body wasn’t made for severe stress.
Be happy,
P.S. Mich, I'm taking off from your shoulders all your worries and fears and anxieties today. Don't get them back!
LOVE it!
This is going to be a busy weekend so I'm not sure if I can blog again later and tomorrow. So for now will just post this happy photo of our family. This was taken during a weekend at home. As usual, I was in my office doing some online tasks when Dada, Ate A, and Baby A joined me. They were using the camera with the tripod and were taking pictures using the timer. For me, this was very candid but definitely a happy one.
I hope we all have a happy weekend and enjoy the two days with our family and friends. (*wink*)
I remember my friends and I used to joke about the cosmetology course. Since it doesn't really exist before, they would make a joke that it was the course that they were taking. But now, would you believe that there is a Cosmetology School already that offers Cosmetology. It is the Regency Beauty Institute and it continues to expand. I read that they were actually founded 50 years ago! They were founded in Minneapolis, Minnesota. And now Regency is the fastest growing beauty school in the country. It just goes to show that people love this course. I admit I'm convinced that maybe I should take a course or two since it is pretty interesting. Do they have online course offerings? That, I have to check.
I can't believe it's been a week now since our super fun weekend last week! Now is the perfect time to blog about it. Jacqui invited us to Sam's 5th birthday party at Shakey's. It was last Saturday at 2:30PM. We told Ate A about it days before to make her excited and she really was. She really had fun at the party. She joined the games and went home with so much prizes! She was sooo happy! Thanks again Jacqui for inviting us :) Then, come Sunday. It was Peachy's turn to invite us to Dom's first birthday party! Another party where Ate A joined the games and had so much fun with the magic show and the bubble show. She also went home with lots and lots of loots! Including this...

I took a break from my usual posts and took this test. I wonder what my name meant so I chose this test. Check it out!
What Michelle Means: M is for Mysterious |
![]() M is for Mysterious I is for Innocent C is for Chic H is for Hot E is for Easy L is for Logical L is for Lovesick E is for Elitist |
Mysterious? Well, I don't think so. I always tend to be transparent.
Innocent? I don't think so!
Chic? Oh yeah! LOL!
Hot? Easy? Ask my Hubby!
Logical? Hmmm...maybe. Blame my Computer Science course I guess!
Lovesick? Definitely not!
When I was in highschool, I used to think about what my College course would be. I wanted Nursing, Psychology and Accounting. I never thought I would end up with Computer Science. I know that you will earn a lot when you are in Accounting field. Especially if you are one of those CPA's from Las Vegas accounting firm. My friend who is now in the US is an accountant and she is really doing well. The only downside on this course is that it is pretty stressful especially during month ends. I remember my friend would tell me that she would always stay in the office up to midnight just to finish work. I guess that's the reason why most CPA's are pretty respected in their area. Just like KondlerCPA wherein they are the leading accounting firm and that they make sure that they provide value to their customers as well as their stakeholders.
Ate A was so happy last Sunday when she got Tita Aggie/Martha's gift! It was part of MBAP's Christmas exchange gift.

I now, this is a bit late now. But I still want to share our few photos during our Trick or Treat at The Podium last October 31, 2009.

As much as I want gold as Hubby's gift for Christmas, I don't think he can afford it. (*grin*) But maybe I can save up on my own for this. After all, it is an investment. Yeap, not the typical jewelries that are available in the market but gold or silver bars that you can buy at Monex Deposit Company. I know I have a long way to go before I can purchase one but who knows someday I can invest on one of those. Monex Deposit Company or MDC is one of the leading companies when it comes to selling silver, gold or other precious metals and coins and investing in them would be safe. They can even personally deliver it right at your doorstep.
Yes, that's us!
Taken during our Halloween party at our friend's house last October 30. It was decided last minute that parents will wear costumes too. At first, we decided that only kids will wear costumes. But up to the last minute, we were forced to wear one too. HA!
So there.
Yes, you can laugh now. (*GRIN*)
I came across this article this morning and I just wanted to share it here.
6 Natural Remedies You Probably Already Have
1. Ginger
Ginger (or ginger root) is one of my most favorite spices. It has been used in Asian cooking for years, and has a wonderfully distinct taste and smell — it’s been used over the years to disguise the taste and smell of medicines.
2. Garlic
Garlic belongs to the onion family and is another root I use quite a bit in cooking. It has a strong taste when raw, but it gets mild and sweet on cooking. Garlic is known for its antibiotic properties, and is also a powerful antioxidant. Garlic helps control cholesterol, too.
3. Honey
The benefits of honey are known worldwide. It has been known to energize the body, boost immunity, help with cuts and bruises, and works wonderfully on coughs and colds.
4. Turmeric
Turmeric is a key ingredient for many Indian, Thai and Malay dishes. It is known to be a really effective antibiotic, due to its antiseptic properties.
5. Pepper
Pepper is a widely available spice, and it is known to stimulate taste buds and improve digestion. As with garlic, it is hard to use pepper directly, so it is best to incorporate pepper into cooking.
6. Cloves
Cloves are known for their antimicrobial, antifungal, antiseptic, antiviral, and even aphrodisiac properties. Traditionally, cloves were used to reduce bad breath.
Click here for more details like how to use these remedies.
Happiness is...
1. Baby A is beginning to sleep through the night.
2. Online friends
3. 5 trick or treats this year!
4. A job that keeps me sane
5. Long lasting memories :)
6. Upcoming trip to Tagaytay
7. Nap after work with Alex (I need this especially now that I start working at 6AM!)
8. Online tasks (really are blessings!)
9. Family
10. McDo's Crispy Chicken Sandwich
To know how this started and credits of the header, click here.
As mentioned in my monthly round up, we had exactly 5 trick or treats. Ate A was happy but Hubby and I were tired. Well, as long as the little girl is happy, then we are happy too. It was a hectic weekend but at least it was fun. We were so tired that I didn't have time to do some exercises anymore let alone go to the gym and workout on one of their machines there like the dip machine. I was actually planning on getting a treadmill or any other machine that I can use to work up my body. I can feel my body getting weaker everyday because of lack of exercise. I hope I can sign up in the gym one of these day. Hopefully before the holidays would start.
What books and/or magazines did I read this month? - World Without End by Ken Follett What movies and/or TV shows did I watch this month? - I can't remember... What special days did I celebrate and how? - Lots of Halloween parties! - Jaron's 3rd birthday What gifts did I give and/or receive? - We gave Jaron some spiderman loots What illnesses or health concerns did I have? - Kids had Cough and colds again this month What fun things did I do with my friends and/or family? - Met up with MM for dinner and coffee - Met up with Farrah for dinner and coffee - Family reunion at the cemetery - We had 5 Halloween parties 1. Village Clubhouse 2. School Halloween Party 3. My sister’s Office Halloween Party 4. Halloween Party at friends’ house 5. Trick or Treating at The Podium What new foods, recipes or restaurants did I try this month? - Banana Monkey Cream Pie from Sonja's Cupcake - Gourmet Hot Chocolate from Xocolat What special or unusual purchases did I make? - I bought another stuff from Faye. (*grin*) What were this month's disappointments? - Ate A was brought to the ER last night because something was painful in her eyes but she got better already after a few drops of medicine What were my accomplishments this month? - Baby A is almost 1 year old :D I admit October just flew by just like that. I can't believe it's already November. A few more weeks and it's going to be Baby A's first birthday. Where did all those days go? It's going to be a year from now ever since I gave birth to Baby A. I feel like it was only yesterday. My weight has not even gone back to my pre-pregnancy weight! I look like I'm still 3 months pregnant especially if you focus on my belly. It makes me realize that I really need a thermogenic fat burner. I know I just need some exercise to control my weight gain but I just can't find the time to do it! Anyway, so many things to look forward to this month! It is going to be a fun month for us!
Yesterday was Ate A's first Halloween party sponsored by her school. It was fun. But I can say that, the Dada had enjoyed more than Ate A. :D There were games for the kids, costume parade, snacks (the food was overflowing), the circus act show, and of course the traditional trick or treating.
We were so desperate for Ate A to get a prize so when the Teacher asked 5 Moms and 5 Dads to go up the stage, I FORCED Hubby to go up. He was more than willing. :P They played "Name that Tune" game. Thankfully Hubby is a fan of videoke so their group won! HA! Check out the photos of the Dada while on stage.

Looks like he was having fun huh!? LOL!
I loved the circus act show done by the Golden Show. It was hilarious but pretty stressful too. The kids loved the show so much. If I still have a budget for Baby A's party, I would surely get them. Oh well, maybe in one of the next parties of the girls perhaps.
So there's the girls' second trick or treat for this year! There are 2 more to go. Is Ate A getting tired of being Tinkerbell!? Naaaah, she even wants to be Tinkerbell next year too! LOL!