I'm a Big Girl Now.

That's what you will usually hear from Alex these days. "Mama, I'm a big girl now." And with that my heart would melt. She is taking her role as an Ate SERIOUSLY. I remember when we were at the in laws and they had a visitor who carried Andie for a short while. She was so nervous that this stranger might get Baby A and leave. LOL. She kept on saying, "A! A! Don't get A!". She was almost in tears. Aaawww. I guess she loves her baby sister that much! She eats on her own now most of the time. But when she is in front of the TV she would forget that she is eating! The sad thing lately is that she doesn't want to take a nap anymore. :( Oh! She can also tell if she wants to make wee-wee and poo. Although there are still accidents which she just recently did in a sandbox in her school (aargh!). But other that, she is doing well. Hmmmm....is it a sign that we are now ready to go to those Orlando vacations that I really, really want to check out with the kids? Hmmmm...I really hope so!

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