Online Tutorials, Anyone?

I've posted a couple of days ago about Ate A's having her Dada as her tutor. These days he can still manage since the lessons are pretty simple and they even haven't reached Pre Algebra and other Math Word Problems that I couldn't imagine they will be taking up in the future. But I had to prepare myself for the inevitable and check out other resources when I came across

They offer a whole range of lessons that I might find useful for Ate A and Andie when they start taking up difficult lessons such as Slope Formula, polynomials, and even Algebra. They can even teach how to divide first! I remember my Dad would put up a blackboard in our study room and did his best to teach me the simplest way to divide. Of course that wasn't so simple then, but well, I learned a lot. It just takes patience and time for the kids to learn and TutorVista offers these two important aspects in learning.

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