The Little Girls' Schooling Next Year

Next year will be a major year for us. Ate A will be in the big school and Baby A will start pre-school. I can see that it is not a joke to have 2 kids in school. Tuition fees, books, outside school activities, and allowances. It would be the major expenses for us.

Of course it is a priority that's why I'm thinking of making our investment into the next level. I can see that saving our money in the bank is not enough. I will have to do something like purchasing gold coins, silver, or probably other precious metals that go up every week or so. I read that it's a great way to invest these days. Especially if the company that you investing with is reliable and has been in the market for years now.

I know our lifestyle will change from the time the kids start school. I will have to control myself from shopping designer bags, doing unplanned shopping at the mall, and planning 3 or more travels a year. But it is definitely worth it. Ate A loves to go to school so much! And hopefully Baby A will love it too. :)

Check out my little girls.

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My Future Doctors? I hope so! Photos taken after Ate A's Career Day Activity at her School.

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