Loving Wood Arts and Crafts

I noticed that Ate A is into crafts these days. When I asked her to work on something that she will give to her Teacher, she was ecstatic. It was just a simple project. We added a couple of embelishments in a simple paper greeting the Teacher a Happy Teacher's Day! She had so much fun during our simple project. So when I saw these site that offers wood jewelry box to be embelished, I can't help but remember Ate A.

It is just plain wooden boxes that can be decorated. Since Ate A is into jewelry boxes these days, this would be a treat for her. Something that she can "work" with for the next few days. I've always dreamed of being artistic but too bad, didn't get that dream so now that Ate A seems to be into crafts and arts, looks like I'm going to get that dream through her! Will definitely get those plain wooden boxes. Who knows, maybe "Santa" can give it to her this Christmas.

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