Cough. Cough! Cough....

That's what you will hear in our house for the last couple of days (or weeks!?). Man oh man, first it was Hubby who got the "virus". He's been coughing for a week! So what he did, he went to the doctor and he was prescribed to drink an Anti-biotic. But guess what happened!? His tummy didn't like the anti-biotic that he took, that it triggered his gastritis! Arrrgh, I hate that medicine. So what happened was that Hubby couldn't take the pain anymore so I rushed him to ER for a pain reliever. He needed a strong one! So when we got to the hospital the pain reliever didn't relieve him at all. So he was given again a stronger one, but his vomiting didn't stop. Man. So the resident suggested he be admitted for observation.

So there, Hubby and I spent our Wednesday night at the hospital. It was uncomfortable but Hubby got well after the second pain reliever that he was given. We spent the whole Thursday there because the Doctor didn't even bother to visit him (this will be a different story). So we were discharged at around 8pm already last night.

Anyway while Hubby was having those coughs, Alex got it too. :( So now she is taking medicines as well.

And now after a night at the hospital it's now me who is having coughs and colds. Aarrrrgh....

So there...Hubby and I were even talking that we should change our names and call each other "Cough", "Colds", and "Stomachache". LOL!

Happy weekend everyone!! (*wink*)

2 Response to "Cough. Cough! Cough...."

  1. selle says:
    January 27, 2008 10:15 AM

    hi mich! blame the weather which has been so erratic the past few days/weeks! hope you're all feeling better!

  2. Jody says:
    January 28, 2008 1:30 PM

    Hope you guys get well soon! Take care.