How to Save Money on Rx Drugs

Unfortunately, Rx drugs are expensive. It seems that you always get sick at the worst possible time: when it's be difficult to afford the medication that you need. There are several easy ways to save money on prescription drugs, even if you don't have insurance.

Ask for Inexpensive Medications

When your doctors are ready to prescribe your medication, be sure to ask them to choose an inexpensive medication if possible. Often there are a wide variety of drugs that can treat each symptom, and you can get the most for your prescription dollars by choosing the least expensive option.

Use Discount Plans at Large Stores

Wal-Mart, Target, and other large stores offer discounted medications. Each store has a specific list of medications that are discounted, often to a price of between $4 and $8. This means that you may be able to save quite a bit of money on your medication just by using the right pharmacy.

Join a Prescription Discount Plan

You may also be able to save money on prescription drugs by signing up for a free prescription drug card. These membership programs allow their members to take advantage of discount prices on prescription drugs. Instead of paying full price for your medications, these plans allow you to get a lower group rate on certain medications. These membership plans are not insurance, but they can save you quite a bit of money, especially if you aren't a member of a traditional insurance plan.

Ask for Samples

Before you fill a prescription for a new medication, ask your doctor and pharmacist if they have any sample packs of the drug. If they do, this will allow you to try out the medication before you purchase a full bottle. This can save you from the high price of trying out several medications to find the one that works best for you.

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