Wednesday Wickedness!

1. “George wrote Taxman, and I played guitar on it. He wrote it in anger at finding out what the taxman did. He had never known before then what could happen to your money.” No one likes paying taxes. But do you think the tax system is fair? Yes, I think so.

2. “I definitely did look up to John. We all looked up to John. He was older and he was very much the leader; he was the quickest wit and the smartest.” What did you think of John Lennon? He was popular and sings very well.

3. “I saw that Meryl Streep said, I just want to do my job well. And really, that's all I'm ever trying to do.” How do you approach your job whether in the workplace or at home? I value my job very much whether at home or in a workplace, I make sure that I do it well and be professional at all times!

4. “I used to think anyone doing anything weird was weird. Now I know that it is the people that call others weird that are weird.” Have you found that you have more tolerance for unusual people as you get older? Yes, definitely.

5. “I don't take me seriously. If we get some giggles, I don't mind.” How seriously do you take yourself? I take myself seriously, I even criticized myself all the time :(

6. “I think people who create and write, it actually does flow-just flows from into their head, into their hand, and they write it down. It's simple.” Does your blog writing just flow from your head, or is it a lot of effort? It depends on the mood actually, if I feel ok to write then it flows from my heart, but if I don't feel like writing, it is truly an effort.

7. “Think globally, act locally.” Do you do anything to help your local community? Yes, sometimes.

8. “When you first get money, you buy all these things so no one thinks you're mean, and you spread it around. You get a chauffeur and you find yourself thrown around the back of this car and you think, I was happier when I had my own little car! I could drive myself!” Have you ever had a period where you felt that you were set financially? Not yet.

9. “Lyricists play with words.” Do you think what you write on your blog is clever or just ordinary and why? It depends on the topic. I love to write about my kids, my life as a Mom and wife and as a programmer. So for me, it's clever. Hey, we gotta love our own right? LOL!

10. “Where I come from, you don't really talk about how much you're earning. Those things are private. My dad never told my mum how much he was earning. I'm certainly not going to tell the world. I'm doing well.” Who in your circle knows how much money your family makes? Everyone in my family! LOL!

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