It's been a Year...

...since I started with my work-from-home setup. Aug. 1, 2006. That was the date! Wow, and it's been a year!

I remember my first day at work (from home). I was using my sister's WIFI and it was raining! Boy, my internet connection was really bad. I was so stressed out because I was afraid that my boss might think that I might not be fit for the job (since having a good internet connection was one of the requirements). My boss gave me my first task after a few days, had a hard time understanding it since he sent it thru email and it was saved as an mp3!

After a month or so, it was like I was in a roller-coaster ride. There are tasks that I would complete without errors but some tasks are completed WITH errors. So, I never thought I'd make it to the regularization part.

But God has HIS plans. HE made me make it for a year! And now that I'm making calls, everything is just perfect! My job now is basically stress-free (well almost stress-free) compared to my old job. I guess this is what I've been asking and God just made everything fell into place.

I believe that God is a God of order. He fixes our lives and although sometimes there are situations that you think is impossible to get through, there's just that DAY that all the solutions would just arrive. And sometimes the funny thing is that it will arrive at the SAME time.

As the saying goes, "When it RAINS, it POURS".

2 Response to "It's been a Year..."

  1. J says:
    August 03, 2007 7:19 AM

    Hi Mich!

    I enjoy reading your blog. Been lurking around for quite sometime. Your baby is sooo cute.

    Congrats sa new house.


  2. Mich says:
    August 03, 2007 11:47 AM

    @juliana - thanks for the kind words! and thank you also for dropping by. :)