The IT Guy.

I used to be an IT guy. I do software and web programming and I deal with data integration software. I used to love it but as the years went by and now that I'm into sales, I can't think of the reason why will I ever go back to that stressful life again. But who knows. I might missed it after not doing it for years.

I have dealt with software too when I took up my Master's and I had fun that time. Now that I'm not into the IT field, I would still look for software that I find interesting if time permits. I recently discovered that Syncsort Incorporated develops, markets, and services high-performance software for data management and data protection. Their products are used in more than 50 countries to speed data warehouse processing, improve database loads, improve query performance and back up and protect data in distributed environments. Reading these terms made me remember the old days. Oh well, maybe someday I might go back to that field again. Who knows?

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