Gift for Hubby - Clothes?

Christmas is just a few months away and it's time to do the Christmas list. Every year, I would always look forward to doing the Christmas list. You see, I love giving gifts and I love figuring what my loved ones would like or need this year. But when it comes to Hubby, I would usually have a hard time thinking of what to give him. It's not because I don't know him that much, but because what he likes mostly are expensive stuff! So, I'm thinking that I might give him either clothes or some basic essentials this year.

There are several options actually and it include, socks, mens underwear, undershirts, handkerchiefs, belt, and other basic essentials that we would normally forget. I can also give him sleepwear or anything that he can wear at home. Dugg is one of the shops that I will be checking out for Hubby's gifts. They have a whole lot of options that I can choose from. And better yet, maybe I can let Hubby choose what he likes and then we'll see from there.

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