More on Kerygma Conference and Insight # 1

I've learned about the Kerygma Conference while reading the September/October issue of the Kerygma magazine. At first I wasn't that interested until I read somewhere that they were offering a discount. Only p999 for two! So I grabbed it even if I didn't know then if we have plans for that weekend. I just said, God will fix our schedules.

After a month and a half (how time flies!), we found ourselves in ULTRA. It was early, you see, we had to wake up at 7 AM, considering that we got home late from our early Christmas Party. I even told Hubby that I feel so tired, I don't feel like going anymore. But Hubby insisted. And after that, I didn't entertain such thoughts anymore.

We missed the first day (Friday) so we made sure that we stayed for the whole day on Saturday and Sunday (which ended early around 2pm). Saturday started with a mass by Bishop Bacani. He offered a very nice and inspiring sermon. Hubby and I were wide awake! We didn't even had to buy coffee. Talk # 2 was by Bo Sanchez entitled, "When God is Sleeping in the Storm". It was a great talk! And this time I had my insight # 1.

Your Biggest Problem can be your Biggest Blessing. Ironic isn't it? But yes, you heard it right. Sometimes when we have problems all we think about is we are about to give up, we can't take it anymore, and that no one loves us. But in reality, God is actually doing SOMETHING in our lives far more greater that what we are thinking or planning. I take for example this paid blogging. Recently I haven't had opps to grab and with that, I felt so sad. I know it's just an "extra" income but who knows that we might be needing it in the future? But no, God is actually telling me something here. He wants me to rest and lessen my time online. He has a purpose. He wants me to spend more time with my family and He wants me to love myself more by sleeping more and resting more. My Problem of not having paid posts was actually a blessing since I now able to sleep more! :D

He really indeed works in mysterious ways. Sometimes we question Him why things happen in our lives. But, for me, if that time comes, I would always think of what Bo Sanchez's said last Saturday - Your Problem can be your Biggest Blessing.

*Photo from Kerygma website.

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