Pictures in a Blanket?

I remember the movie Step Mom. It was such a nice movie that I kept on crying while watching it. There were scenes that were unforgettable. But what I couldn't forget about it, are the gifts that the Mom gave to her kids. She doesn't want her kids to forget her so she gave one of her kids Picture Blankets. The pictures were all over the blanket, from giving birth up to present. It was such a nice gift. Her kids really appreciated it. I'm thinking of giving Alex one of these when she grows up. Probably when she reaches her teen years. There are different colors that I can choose from which would be according to Alex's favorite color. It is a nice way to keep the memories and for her to always be reminded of us. Her Daddy and I may be far from her at that moment but at least through the picture blanket, she will always remember us.

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